Saturday, January 5, 2013

Raid Guidelines

  •   All Reforging and Geming will be taken care of BEFORE raid time. If you win a new piece during a raid, you can reforge during the scheduled breaks or after the raid, no special time will be given to customize a new piece. 

  •    People who wish to raid will be required to sign up for it before the scheduled raid. In signing up, you are committing to a 3-4 hour time frame for raiding. Only sign up if you can commit to this.

  • There will be a 10 minute break for every hour of raiding. This is to keep people fresh and not frustrated. Breaks WILL be timed, if you return late from a break, you receive a warning first, after that, you will have to make a 50 gold donation to the guild bank as a penalty. This is to emphasize that everyone's time is valuable and should be respected. Do not think that a 50 gold penalty is a free pass to be late, other penalties can and will be enforced if this is abused.

  • Loot rolls will be handled by master loot system handled by the raid leader. You will roll for your main spec first, that means if you are a DPS spec but you are healing in the raid, you may role for your main spec DPS piece. In turn, you may only role on off-spec (healing) piece if no other main spec healer needs the piece. 

  • Rolls will be the general /roll, however there will be one fun caveat. When rolling on main spec or off spec, if you happen to roll a 1 out of 100, you win the roll. Any other time, the highest roll wins.
  • Having a 460 item level will be required, it is the item level used for entering LFR, and should be the standard for the first raid set.
  • Addons need to be added/upgraded BEFORE raid time, no wasting time getting addon's upgraded. 

  • Wipes happen, and are expected, failure only brings you one step closer to succeeding. When you commit to the 3-4 hour time frame for raiding, you will also have to accept that wipes will happen. Remember, there are 9 other people depending on you to stay the course.

  • We like to have fun, keep it light. If bad feelings begin to develop because of wipes or if finger pointing starts, the raid will be canceled and raiding as a guild will be re-evaluated. 

  • Showing up takes priority over signing up. This means if you were the first to sign up but failed to show up on time, then do not be surprised if your space was taken by someone who showed up on time. This rule is to encourage people to show up, signing up does NOT guarantee you a space, being on time and ready to go does. Please note that 2 tanks and 2 healers are standard configuration, and will have to be filled no matter what.
  • Video's will be posted of the raids on the guild's blog, so people will understand the fights before hand. We will still go over things in raids before the pull but be sure to educate yourself so you understand positioning and mechanics. Better to educate and ask questions than to not know what is going on in general.

  • Generally, raids will occur 8 PM server time on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, if you can, please show up 10-15 minutes early to prepare yourself and begin grouping up. Raids can be postponed or delayed to a later date if “real life” issues come up, as is our policy. 

  • “Set” raiding days does not mean groups can not form up for alternate runs on other days, this is just the target dates for the week. A weekend alt raid may be incorporated in the future as interest grows.

    These guidelines are just that, guidelines, they can be amended if needed.  It just helps to have a structure when organizing for raiding. 



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