Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Deathkaraz Transmog Guide

Hello Guildies, most of you may know that i now have a new found addiction to transmoging my toons, so far four of my toons are sporting sexy-ness gear :) Its like playing dress up in my opinion. 

Transmogrification is a feature released with 4.3.0  that players can access via an ethereal Transmogrifier NPC. It allows players to alter the appearance of their weapons and armor for a fee (in gold). 

Player characters are able to visit one of the Ethereal Transmogrifiers to use the service. Once there, the interface window will show the item slots of the pieces which can be altered. Players select the "skin" of the new appearance by drag-and-dropping the model piece into the respective item slot.
There will be a preview pane, allowing players to view the appearance of their items before committing the gold. 

There are plenty of websites that can assist you with finding a transmog outfit of your liking, or you can do what i do and just try stuff on from the AH.

Transmog Websites 

Here is some Photos of all of my Transmogs:

 **I hope you all enjoy this blog post!!**
*Huggles Deathkaraz*

Saturday, January 26, 2013

New, Revised Raid participation guidelines

Since it became an issue this week, and after wracking my brain for a few days I have, hopefully, come up with a new, improved, raid participation guideline.  The old way wasn't exactly fair for those that sign up early and always try to participate, so this will hopefully alleviate those matters.

  • Raid sign-ups will be posted every Thursday for the next week.
  • Sign ups may be subject to a cut-off time, to be determined
  •  The first 2 Tanks, 3 Healers, and 5 DPS to sign up for the raid will have priority and be invited to the raid first.
  • the "first 10" to sign up will be expected to show up 15 minutes before the raid and ready to begin.  
  • If anyone is late, even by 1 minute of the INVITE time, meaning we start inviting 15 minutes before the pull and someone show up 14 minutes before the pul,. their spot will go to the next available sign up.  if they are an abundance of, lets say, DPS sign up, the remainder of DPS will roll for the remaining spot.
  • We will be making our first pull at 9 pm server time, I ask all officers participating to help with getting appropriate flasks and banquets out of the guild bank prior to 9 pm, so we can make the first pull on time.
  • Once again, you are committing to 3 hours of raid time per night, if it seems like we are banging our heads against a wall too long we will decide if we should call it early, the decision will be made by the raid leader and a consensus of those raiding.  Signing up means you are obliging to this commitment, any deviation from this may result in not being invited to raid for awhile.
  • If any of the first 10 wish to give up their spot for the week so someone else may go, the next earliest sign up will go, if that person is late, the Roll for a spot rule will apply.
  • IF someone has to leave for health or family reasons, another sign up may take their spot according to availability. if their are more than 1 available, the roll rule will apply.
  • These rules go into effect immediately, The weekly sign up will begin January 31st for the Febuary 5-6 raiding period, and every week there-after.
  • All previous guidelines are still in effect, and these will be amended into the static raid guidelines.
I believe this system sides more on the area of fairness than the previous way, it rewards punctuality and those that sign up early and make an effort to be on time.  I ask that you be mindful of the times if you sign up.  Signing up for a dungeon or LFR 20 minutes before raid time is probably not the wisest idea if you wish to be on time and ready.  When I say ready, I mean invites go out, we summon, you get a flask and its time to roll.   I just want things to be a bit more efficient, and its common courtesy to adhere to the guidelines if you commit to an activity.  

Because interest in raiding has been on the uptick, we will push to try and get that weekend alt-raid up and running as soon as possible, so more people may participate if they so desire.  These will be reviewed tonight before being accepted, changes may come if you see this before the officers meeting.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Why We're Here, Why We Do This.

 I will have to say, It has been an interesting first year in Platinum Sanctum.  There have been high's and lows, but overall the experience has been a positive one.  It seems that we're entering into a Renaissance period in the guild.  Ideas are flowing more readily, and participation is steadily climbing.  Not to say we haven't had our share of problems, but we've endured many storms to get to the place we need to be. 

But you know, it's amazing where you end up finding things that make you take a step back and truly survey what has been going on.  I was on Twitter this morning checking the feed (@PlatinumSanctum if you are wondering) and I saw something posted by @ShaOfHappiness that really stuck out to me: 

Friends, let's remember - if it isn't nice to say, don't say it; or present constructive criticism. ♥ {◕ ◡ ◕} 

It should be noted on why Platinum Sanctum was founded,  in the previous guild I was apart of, two people who were always helpful to me and treated me with respect were unceremoniously kicked out of the guild for "causing drama".   I was upset by this, but I didn't believe the official story being told to me.  I sought out these people and asked for their side of the story.  After doing some digging it appeared that my gut instinct was right, they were removed for asking a question, simple enough, "Why was I removed from the raid team?"  did they get an answer? a constructive criticism?   No, they got booted, and the explanation was "causing drama".  I had to keep things close to the vest, because apparently asking about this incident in public guild chat would earn the curious party a /gkick as well.   

I met with the rogue questioners to find out what their plans were.  The idea's being thrown about were not exactly to my liking.  "I'll just transfer off server"  or "I may just quit playing altogether"  didn't seem right to me.  So I made a suggestion of my own "Why don't you two start your own guild?"  At first, it was met with trepidation, mainly being that my two friends didn't want to have to deal with being a guild master, which can be a hard job, believe me, I'm well aware.  However, I planted my seed, and went on about my way, doing the things that hunters do. 

About a day later, I was asked to speak with them.   They informed me that they thought about what I said, and that they would indeed start up a new guild, with one small caveat.  They said they would only do it if I would be the Guild Master.  I will say that I was greatly honored, but I had to ask why.  And they told me "because you're fair".  I reckon hearing out their story and making my own judgement was enough for them.  I accepted, and from there the story can only be described a roller-coaster.    Lots of ups, Lots of downs, but plenty of excitement and full speed ahead.  

Which brings me to why I am writing this.  I've always believed in fairness, and in finding the best way possible to include everyone.  granted, it can be hard due to how the game is designed, but we do a good job of trying at the very least.  Some of us may lag behind a bit in learning, or gearing or what have you, but we try to give the opportunity for success.  My philosophy is a hand up not a hand out, I will help you help yourself, I don't give free rides but I will go along with you to help you succeed.  And if you don't succeed, you're not any worse off than you were before.  Everyone has to crawl before they walk, and stumbling will happen, but as long as you're willing to dust yourself off, we'll keep pushing with you.

In dealing with that, and having a nice sized guild, you tend to run into many different personality types, and trying to balance those against one another.  I have noticed that in the past there have been instances of people thinking they're helping, but may come off a bit snarky and sometimes perceived as downright rude.  Like I said, perception, but that doesn't make it reality.  Some people react differently to criticism than others.  However, it is my belief it is for the overall benefit of the guild that some constructive criticism be encouraged.  There's no need to bash someone for not performing to your standards, but if you feel they can do better, it's good to lend that hand up, explain to them what you see them doing wrong, whether it be in ability, or even commitment, and even offer suggestions on how they can improve.  I don't think anyone wants to be a liability, or be carried, I would hope that most everyone wants to pull their own weight, so while I think we do a good job of helping each other, as they say, anything can be improved.

However, I should also mention that people need to also be open to said constructive feedback.  Thinking you're the greatest thing since sliced bread but not actually being good at it not only reflects badly on you, it brings down those that depend on you.  Open your mind to the possibilities that, maybe, just maybe, there is room for improvement.  That maybe I should work on my gear more, study up on tanking strategies, look into the best reforging and not winging it.  Realize that the world doesn't revolve around me, and I will only go as far as the people around me can go. Be willing to take 30 wipes on Ultraxion if it means greater success down the road.   Not every gear drop is for me, just because I can use that material on another character, doesn't necessarily mean I have to have it every time.  share and share alike. There's plenty of resources available, and I've never seen anyone having a problem with sharing.  

We've begun raiding as a guild recently, and I'm surprised by how many want to come along on our adventures.  I've set up guidelines so that we have a basis for how things will work, but they will be evolving as time goes on, to perpetuate fairness as best as we can, but also to bring those that want to go the chance to go.  It may mean we'll have to form more raid groups in the future, if it means I have to level and gear all 10 of my characters, so be it.  I want everyone to have the chance, because remember, someone gave you a chance too.  I can say with confidence, I wouldn't be here if two very special friends hadn't given me a chance, and I've ran with it ever since.  We will make our goals, but as I learned a long time ago, sometimes you reach those goals in very different ways. Keep your mind open to the possibilities,  you never know what you'll end up with.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Getting Raid Ready Ask Mr Robot & Reforgerade

Today's video is a guide on how to optomize your character using and also how to use some of that info ingame with the reforgeraid addon.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Deathkaraz's Guide to Fail DPS

After many failed attempts in getting Deathkaraz's 
DPS up to where i wanted it,
 i have figured out what i really needed to do.....


Yes, Deathkaraz is one of 
Platinum Sanctum's new
Blood Deathknight Tanks :)

I have grown to love Tanking so far,
although i have no idea what i am doing
i feel as if i am doing a good job learning :)

Thanks for all the Help and Support from 
my wonderful Guildies, for not only running with me, allowing me to help tank our first guild runs on the raid, but also for helping me gear up and starting to understand all the fights. i love you all!

**Huggles Deathkaraz*  


Friday, January 11, 2013

Patch notes and such

Today I will be posting some patch notes and upcoming changes that will be coming in WoW when patch 5.2 hits,  I will also comment on them in red, so blue posts will be followed posts...because I'm awesome like that!


  • Attack Power gained from Vengeance is now capped at the player's maximum health. -This means no more soloing bosses for level 80 tanks, silly silly exploiters! 

  • Completing "Heart of the Alliance" or "A Gathering Storm" will no longer sometimes cause players to be phased incorrectly.
  • Commander Oxheart in Townlong Steppes will now sell Crystallized Dread, Crystallized Terror, Crystallized Horror, and Eye of the Black Prince for gold to players that have completed the appropriate quest lines.   -Now if they could figure out how to make everything phase correctly...

Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios
Mogu'shan Vaults
Feng the Accursed now correctly has a chance to drop Fan of Fiery Winds and Feng’s Ring of Dreams in the 10 player Heroic mode version of the encounter.  -Yes, please increase the drop rate of the heroic mode encounter, its not like LFR loot drops needs work or anything...

 Whenever a PTR build goes up, we get a flurry of simple questions that we want to address, but that don't feel patch note worthy. We are going to be posting the answers to some of these in this thread.

  • We're going to leave the thread unlocked. Feel free to leave feedback here, but be aware that this is just a running list of explanations and don't expect a lot of back and forth discussion.
  • Likewise, you don't need to ask your question here. We'll try and cover anything we see in our forums, other forums, Twitter, etc.
  • The focus of this thread is on class mechanics and set bonuses. We aren't going to cover e.g. achievements, raid encounters, pet battles, account issues, or GC's favorite cover bands. Likewise, these are simple answers, not "What is your vision for my class?" -I have a vision of my class as a champion figure skater...wait where am I?

Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
  • We’re still iterating on this design for Wild Mushrooms. Currently, they each absorb 25% overheal, up to a max of 33% of the Druid’s max health (total of 75% / 100% with 3 Mushrooms out). This max size isn’t working in build 16446, but we hope to hotfix that soon. Upon blooming, their accumulated healing is split over the targets they heal. Several parts of this aren’t yet working in build 16446, leading them to be massively overpowered (which we also hope to hotfix soon). Feedback, especially in future builds, is appreciated.  -I think that Jaloppy will be switching to druid he has an excuse to overheal!

Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
  • The Mage 2T15 bonus does favor taking Invocation, as people quickly pointed out, and we’re considering revising it.
  • The Arcane Mage 4T15 bonus is a multiplier on all of the effects of Arcane Charges. Damage, mana cost, and number of additional targets hit.
  • The Fire Mage 4T15 bonus is before Critical Mass. Net increase to your Pyroblast’s crit rate will be +6.5%.
  • This build included a new version of Blazing Speed. We changed it from the previous build because we thought that it was too strong. This is definitely something we’re still iterating on for 5.2. The new version replaces Blink, but goes farther than Blink (and distance is variable instead of fixed), does not cost a GCD, and provides brief stun and root immunity, and is on a different spell school. Feedback from playing with it is very helpful. We realize that there is somewhat of a conflict here with the PvP Glove bonus, and will resolve that if needed.
  • Another talent we’re iterating on is Invocation; it’s quite possible that the current version is overpowered, but we’d like people to try it out, and give us feedback about how you use it, especially as Arcane. -On a serious note, I know that Mages were overpowered in the past, but it seems they are getting the bad end of the nerf bat lately...comments?

Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
  • The Hunter 2T15 bonus is a chance to summon a Thunderhawk. That Thunderhawk will assist you, and will always cast 5x Lightning Bolts for 16k to 24k Nature damage. Its damage will scale with BM mastery, and will not scale with Survival mastery. However, the proc chances (which are Real PPM) vary by spec: 0.7/min for BM, 1/min for MM, 1.2/min for Surv.
  • The Hunter 4T15 bonus is affected by Survival’s mastery, cannot trigger Wild Quiver, and procs at a rate of 3 RealPPM.  -So wait...I get to have another animal come out and attack stuff?  so if I count my current pet, my dire beast, my murder of crows, stampede, my dragonling, and this bonus, thats what, 10 animals at one time?  CALL ME BEAST MASTER!!  

 Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

  • Storm, Earth, and Fire is a new ability for Windwalkers. It’s intended to be fill the role of attacking 2 or 3 targets. It’s a rather complex ability, technically, and you’re seeing a very early version of it that still has some significant bugs (which we’re hoping to hotfix soon). To give you an idea of the design intent here, the spirits should mirror your damaging attacks against targets other than the one they’re on (so that it’s not a single target DPS gain). The spirits auto attack on their own. It should reduce your and your spirits damage while they’re out, but the exact tuning for that is still being iterated on. They’re currently -40% for 1 (total of 120% of normal against 2 targets), and -55% for 2 (total of 135% against 3 targets). Non-damaging attacks (such as Spear Hand Strike) should not be mirrored, but damaging attacks (such as Fists of Fury) should. Feedback very appreciated. -Like the idea of the ability, but I would think that the name of the ability would be more for shaman's than monks, eh, Symantec's I guess.

Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
  • We are still iterating on Blade Flurry. We feel like the implementation of Blade Flurry on live forces rogues to go Combat on any cleave fights, while leaving Combat too far behind on any single target fights. It's fine if the rogue specs have niches, but the niches shouldn't be so rigid that you don't feel like you have any choice in spec. Blade Flurry will be how Combat does 2-5 target AoE damage. In the next PTR build, it deals 40% of normal damage to up to 4 additional targets, for a 20% energy regen reduction.
  • The Rogue 2T15 bonus does apply to all finishers with a duration, including Slice and Dice, Kidney Shot, Recuperate, Envenom, and Rupture. In build 16446, the Kidney Shot increase was broken, but is fixed for the next build. -Trying to make all rogue specs viable....could it be the time?!  stay tuned!

Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
  • Shadow Priests have raised concerns about both of their T15 bonuses being tied to Shadowy Apparitions. Know that we have improved Shadowy Apparitions. Previously, there was a cap of 4 out at once. In build 16446, that’s raised to 5 if you have 2T15. However in the next build, we just raised the cap to 10, which you should basically never hit. And more importantly, we significantly improved their AI. Please try them out. If they give you problems, please be as specific as possible about those situations. -Translation, complain, but don't be a dick about it!

Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
  • The Elemental Shaman 2T15 bonus triggers from Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning hits (including Overloads). A Chain Lightning that hits 5 targets has 5 separate chances to trigger the Lightning Strike. If it Overloads, then 10 chances. There is no ICD, so it can proc multiple times from a single Chain Lightning. However, in the next build (or perhaps a hotfix), the damage from the Lightning Strike will be split between affected targets. There is a very high potential impact from this set bonus, so we’re keeping our eye on this, and may have to nerf it. But we’re trying it this way, since it is the most fun version.-Elemental shaman's may become viable again...

Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
  • Fel Armor has a significant typo in its tooltip; we added the 10% damage reduction and took away the armor. The health and healing received are still increases, not decreases.
  • The new Glyph of Unstable Affliction reduces the cast time, but does not affect the GCD. Thus, it is not a DPS gain in a purely Patchwerk situation, but makes it harder to be interrupted, and allows you to start moving again slightly faster.
  • The Affliction Warlock 4T15 bonus increases the damage of Malefic Grasp itself, and the extra ticks triggered by it. Same with Drain Soul.  -OP Warlocks are OP.

Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
  • The DPS Warrior 2T15 bonus has a RealPPM rate of 1.6 for Arms and 0.6 for Fury. It triggers all of the effects of enraging, including generating a Raging Blow charge, and 10 rage. -Lol..raging blow...

Death Knight (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
  • The DPS Death Knight 2T15 bonus has a RealPPM rate of 1.0. The Zandalari spirit it summons has damage and attacks similar to the normal DK Ghoul, benefits from Unholy’s mastery, does not replace your current ghoul, and you can have multiple of them up at once.
  • While the DPS Death Knight 4T15 bonus (increased Army duration) is on target, performance-wise, in most fights, it’s always challenging to have a set bonus improve a 10min cooldown. We’re considering some additional changes to this, such as also lowering the channel time and / or rune cost. We understand this is a challenging set bonus to design, so we're going to have to iterate on it a bit. -DPS on Death Knights could be even more insane...

Well that's all for now, I'll do another one tomorrow with more blue posts and information!  



Thursday, January 10, 2013

Female Zandalari troll model update, hint of the future?

                               Courtesy of MMO-Champion

It has been a fact that Blizzard is looking to update the player race models, and I believe these new models for the Zandalari in the upcoming Thunder King raid is giving us a preview.  I got to say, if the player versions look as good as this npc, we could be in for a nice upgrade!

Tomorrow I'll have more in depth patch note information, for now, enjoy the view!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

LFR Drop Rate Increase in patch 5.2

Courtesy of MMO-Champion

Rational Thought: Good idea, will help people that want to do the new raid and get into that LFR faster.


Always a Point-Counterpoint, but what can ya do?


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Swift Windsteed available on the Blizzard Store!

Swift Windsteed, $25 on the Blizzard Store

Model Viewer of the new mount.

Made Wayne think of:

Last LFR before our First Raid

 Tonight and tomorrow night is our last LFR's before our first attempt at the 10 man Raid, all who will be attending our first 10 man raid should try to do at least one of our LFR nights in hopes of getting a nice upgrade! 

LFR 460 starts tonight at 8pm Server please come on 15 mins early to get all your prep done before time! Lets do this as if its a real raid, be sure that you can commit for 3 hours LFR 470 will be tomorrow night 8pm Server same rules apply!

*Huggles Deathkaraz*

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Thunder King comes...

Teaser trailer for patch 5.2.  Going to be epic. from MMO-Champion

TRICERATOPS MOUNTS!!!!!!!1111!1!!!11!!!1!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Guild Meeting Notes

Guild Meeting January 5th
*Happy New Year Guildies <3 I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season with all of their loved ones!!!*

**Raiding will start on January 15th, they will be at 8pm Server time on Tuesday's and Wednesday, if needed to we will eventually set up a weekend raid day! For regulations for guild raids please see Dink's Post, also Wray has posted a blog about how to gear up for the raids! We are looking forward to this new adventure!**

**For raiding we will be needing flasks, and feast and anything else to help us succeed. If you can and want to help out start farming food for feast (right now we are low on Tiger Steak and Jewel Danio (fish) and Soy Sauce. Please send these items to Forsakened! If you like to pick herbs and flowers, please send these items to McSwifty and Jeloppy, they will be making our raiding flask! Thanks to everyone who is contributing to these!**

**If you would like to make a Donation of Pets, gold, fun things for Social Event Guild Activities please send them to Deathkaraz :) Also if you have a birthday or a event you would like the guild to celebrate please send Deathkaraz a in-game mail with the date, and what it is :)**

******Please also don't be afraid to join some of our social events, this is how we get to know each other, its nice to see you all questing, raiding, and doing dungeons together, but these social events are for fun, and most events have prizes!!******

**We will be having a new monthly shout out to Platinum Sanctum Good Citizen***
January's Good Citizen's Reward goes to *drum roll* RAD!! 
Grats to Rad, he has been so extremely helpful in the guild!

   ***Shout out to everyone who has been helpful in the guild lately, a few personal shout outs Forsakened, Gangho, Stefeny, Rad, Zxandria*** (although there are alot of you out there that help out, PLEASE BE SURE TO TELL A OFFICER IF SOMEONE IS HELPING YOU ALOT SO THEY CAN GET A SHOUT OUT!!**

**How to get Promoted**
  • Be Helpful
  • Be Respectful  
  • Make Groups
  • Take Charge
  • Be Loyal
With that said on to our January Promotions!
**Cuzofrad - Squire
**Gangho - Templar
** Stefeny - High Conclave
**Cemetos - High Conclave
** Zxandria - High Conclave 
*NOTICE* People with the Ranks Page and above can now make events on the Calender! Please be respectful to other guildies events when doing so! 

**Wray will be putting up a video of our guild meeting very soon!!** 

*Huggles Deathkaraz* 

*Just a note: Darkmoon fair is this week, also the Lunar Festival starts this month* 


Raid Guidelines

  •   All Reforging and Geming will be taken care of BEFORE raid time. If you win a new piece during a raid, you can reforge during the scheduled breaks or after the raid, no special time will be given to customize a new piece. 

  •    People who wish to raid will be required to sign up for it before the scheduled raid. In signing up, you are committing to a 3-4 hour time frame for raiding. Only sign up if you can commit to this.

  • There will be a 10 minute break for every hour of raiding. This is to keep people fresh and not frustrated. Breaks WILL be timed, if you return late from a break, you receive a warning first, after that, you will have to make a 50 gold donation to the guild bank as a penalty. This is to emphasize that everyone's time is valuable and should be respected. Do not think that a 50 gold penalty is a free pass to be late, other penalties can and will be enforced if this is abused.

  • Loot rolls will be handled by master loot system handled by the raid leader. You will roll for your main spec first, that means if you are a DPS spec but you are healing in the raid, you may role for your main spec DPS piece. In turn, you may only role on off-spec (healing) piece if no other main spec healer needs the piece. 

  • Rolls will be the general /roll, however there will be one fun caveat. When rolling on main spec or off spec, if you happen to roll a 1 out of 100, you win the roll. Any other time, the highest roll wins.
  • Having a 460 item level will be required, it is the item level used for entering LFR, and should be the standard for the first raid set.
  • Addons need to be added/upgraded BEFORE raid time, no wasting time getting addon's upgraded. 

  • Wipes happen, and are expected, failure only brings you one step closer to succeeding. When you commit to the 3-4 hour time frame for raiding, you will also have to accept that wipes will happen. Remember, there are 9 other people depending on you to stay the course.

  • We like to have fun, keep it light. If bad feelings begin to develop because of wipes or if finger pointing starts, the raid will be canceled and raiding as a guild will be re-evaluated. 

  • Showing up takes priority over signing up. This means if you were the first to sign up but failed to show up on time, then do not be surprised if your space was taken by someone who showed up on time. This rule is to encourage people to show up, signing up does NOT guarantee you a space, being on time and ready to go does. Please note that 2 tanks and 2 healers are standard configuration, and will have to be filled no matter what.
  • Video's will be posted of the raids on the guild's blog, so people will understand the fights before hand. We will still go over things in raids before the pull but be sure to educate yourself so you understand positioning and mechanics. Better to educate and ask questions than to not know what is going on in general.

  • Generally, raids will occur 8 PM server time on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, if you can, please show up 10-15 minutes early to prepare yourself and begin grouping up. Raids can be postponed or delayed to a later date if “real life” issues come up, as is our policy. 

  • “Set” raiding days does not mean groups can not form up for alternate runs on other days, this is just the target dates for the week. A weekend alt raid may be incorporated in the future as interest grows.

    These guidelines are just that, guidelines, they can be amended if needed.  It just helps to have a structure when organizing for raiding. 



Thursday, January 3, 2013

Getting Raid Ready

We are quickly approaching our goal of raiding in MoP. Getting ready for raiding requires more then Just showing up and being the proper (460+ equipped) Item level. Over the next few blog posts I'm going to show you some helpful tools to help you optimize your gear for raiding. This is expected of everyone.

NOXXIC.COM is a great tool for giving you the basic info you need to know about your class. It's a great website with lots of great info. My only problem is that it's general information for your class/spec and not detailed for your characters needs. More on this later...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year.  Last year we accomplished a lot as a group, more than I believe anyone ever expected.  As we move forward I point out some things to look forward to in the coming days, weeks, and year.  I won't let too much out of the bag right now, but we will be doing some fun stuff coming up.  for now I will go over what's happening the rest of the week:

  • Continue dominance in Looking for Raid
  • Understanding events and schedules
  • Guild Meeting this Saturday
At this guild meeting, I will be finalizing our raid schedule.  Along with the schedule, I will be posting raiding guidelines.  I know we have been loose on such things in the past, but I feel it is a good idea to have a structure when it comes to raiding if we are to accomplish our goals.  This will not change the casual nature of our guild, I think though that a set of guidelines will be beneficial to what is expected.

This was just a quick note, more details will come soon.  Once again it is thanks to all of you that we are as successful as we are, it has been an honor to serve as your guild master, and I hope I can continue to serve at a capacity befitting of the trust you have in me.
