Monday, November 12, 2012

Onyxie's Pet Guides: Zones & Levels

    Approximate Levels for Pet Battles:   

1: All Starting levels

3: Northern Barrens, Westfall

4: Ashenvale, Azshara, Bloodmyst Isle, Ghostlands, Redridge Mountains

5: Duskwood, Loch Moden, Silverpine Forest

6: Dun Murogh, Hillsbrad Foothiils, Wetlands

7: Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Northern Stranglethorn

9: Cape of Stanglethorn

10: Darkshore, Western Plaguelands

11: Feralas, The Hinterlands

12: Dusckwallow Marsh, Eastern Plaguelands

13: Badlands, Searing Gorge, Tanaris, Thousand Needles

14: Felwood, Swamp of Sorrows

15: Blasted Lands, Burning Steps, Moonglad, Silithis, Ungoro Crater

16: Deadwind Pass (only Restless Shadeling)

17: Hellfire Peninsula, Nagrand, Terokkar Forest, Winterspring

18: Blade’s Edge, Zangermarsh

19: Borean Tundra, Grizzley Hills, Howling Fjord, Netherstorm, Shadowmoon Valley, 
Sholozar Basin

20: Dragonblight, Icecrown, Storm Peaks, Zul ‘Drak

21: Uldum

23: Mount Hyjal, Twillight Highlands

 If you have any questions, please let Onyxie know! 

He's more than happy to help you!


Monday, November 5, 2012

Guild Meeting Video 11/3/2012

Video Made By WraylasGaming!

I hope you enjoy! i think he will record the rest of the guild meetings, which is good for people like me who cant join because i always work on Saturday's


The Adventures of Pakku: Pakku Discovers Basic Campfire

This is the beginning of a series on Pakku, new member of the Alliance fresh from the Wondering Isle.  As a Pandaren, he's never seen the the world of Azeroth like this before.  He will now tell us of his adventures, in his own words.

Hello Friends!! I am Pakku, a Brewmaster from the Wondering Isles.  I was impressed by the adventurous and grandeur of this Alliance and hopped on the first Hot Air Balloon to Stormwind!  When I arrived, I was greeted by King Wrynn. He explained many things to me, about how some of my people had also joined the Horde, and that I may have to face them in battle for the glory of the Alliance.  I am unsure of this, as our people, while we have differences, have always come together when in crisis, I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get to it.

Upon leaving the King (And knocking him on his Butt!)  I ventured out into the city, and noticed many people were recruiting for members to join their guild.  I talked privately with a few folks, and listened to what they had to say, and I must say I wasn't all that impressed, until I ran into a nice human girl named Dinka!  She was very nice and supportive, and was also very understanding and helpful.  I decided to join her guild, and am now a proud member of Platinum Sanctum!!  After meeting with all the officers of the guild, I was told that the best way to acclimate with the city life of Stormwind was to do some errands for some of the vendors in the city.  As I was talking to a vendor, he asked me to cook some fish, and told me I could use a campfire.  I was so excited to help, I took off to the nearest lake and began to fish!  

It was this moment that I found out the magic and amazement of the this new land!!

In my haste to cook my fish, I started my fire in the water!  But the most amazing part was, it stayed lit while in the water!!!

Such an amazing land!! I cannot wait to continue my exploration!!!

Stay tuned to this site to experience the further adventures of Pakku as he travels throughout Azeroth...and Beyond!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Onyxie's Pet Guides: More Battle Strategies!!

Pet Battle Additional Strategy

Pet Types
(in order of what I consider strength of special)

Mechanical:  when killed, comes back to life once at 20% life.  If an opponent killed pet with a multi-attack and there are more attacks left, the others will finish also. 

Undead: comes back to life, finishes turn (if it goes second) then takes one more turn before dying.   Sometimes better than Mech as gets to attack no matter what damage is done.  If it dies from this, will get no pet experience even if it is last pet in battle (it counts as victory though).

Critter: Breaks out of crown control effects quicker.  Basically if you go second, prevents stuns and such from affecting you an extra turn.  Really helpful in those circumstances.

Beast: Deals +25% extra damage when below half health.  Damage is nice  J

Humanoid:  +5% life recovery.  Only works on turns where it deals damage, which includes damage over time.  Life gain is nice

Flying: as long as above 50% health, gets +50% speed.  Pretty helpful if it changes who goes first.

Elemental: Not affected by weather effects.  Mainly means won’t get attributes added (like blinded by darkness or chilled by snowstorm) so abilities that depend on those attributes don’t work. 

Dragonkin: +50% damage after deals damage to take opponent’s pet below 25% health.  Less useful than you might think, as the next attack might be a killer anyway, or they might but up a block in which case it’s useless.

Aquatic: Damage over time does 25% less damage.  Rarely will this change the course of a battle.

Magic : Cannot be dealt more than 50% of their max health in one attack.  Generally useless.

Pet Leveling
If you want to use a wild pet to fight, really work on getting rares.  They are significantly more powerful even than uncommons (though if you compare, one stat may be higher on an uncommon)
Lead with a pet below the level you are fighting.  As long as it’s not one-hit killed, you can swap out.  You can leave it in longer than one turn, but be careful especially with damage over time as can die even off-field.  I usually have a significantly below pet, a pet within 1 level of fight, and one higher just in case.  Keeping in mind at levl 5 there’s two pets to battle in wild and at levl 15 there’s three.  So fighting a level 11 (which is really two 11s) I might use a level  5, level 11, and level 13.  If you get too many levels above (4 I think) you get 0 XP, otherwise you get  full or half or 1/3 depending on how many pets fought and are still alive at end.  Then its adjusted for level of pet compared to level of what you fought).

Pet trainers are great fights as they give you extra Xp.  If you can fight before you accept the quest from them, do so and get a bonus fight.  Always 3 pets, you can see them near the trainer.
PvP fights can be lots of fun but is a slow way to level pets.  Think that gets better next patch.
Some pets are infrequent spawns.  If so, just take one and leave the rest for other people.  If you want to try for better quality, you can start a fight, and if it’s wrong quality then log-out and back in.  Pet will be there not in battle.  If you have tried fight then the quality level is set for you but random for each other person that tries it.

Next patch should give us stones to raie rarity to uncommon or rare

East To Get But Strong Pets
Aquatic: Any toad/frog (available all over), any of the 4 crocs from Shatt Cooking Daily

Beast: Any Spider (Crystal gets stun as lvl 15 ability, Molten is different set-up entirely)

Humanoid: Peddlefeet, either of the Winter’s Helpers (all 3 uncommon but solid, cheap in AH)

Dragonkin: two relatively easiest are Celestial Draon (150 pets)  or Spawn of Onyxia ( around Onyxie’s Lair,  infrequent Spawn)

Flying: several people like Chickens 9available various places) , I like any Moths (available all over), Brilliant Khalri (125 pets)

Undead: Lost of Lordaeron (ruins above Undercity, use a Horde toon!)

Critter: Black Lamb (Elywyn Forest,) Nuts (100 pets), Perky Pug (dungeon achieve for random groups)

Magic: none that are easy to get are good IMO.  The lamp/lanterns are good (enchanting or rewards from Lunar worldevent), enchanted broom (argent tourney purchase) is good, Shimmering Wurmling (argent tourney purchase ) is awesome

Elemental: Core Hound Pup (get authenticated!)

Mechantical: none easy and good IMO, I like Darkmoon Tonk (darkoon fair), Lifelike Toad (engineering), Mechanopeep (argent tourney purchase), Tranquil Mechanicasl Yeti (engineering), Clockwork Gnome (archeology)

Onyxie's Pet Guides: Battle Strategy

Pet Battle General Strategy!

Going First:
If there were only straight damage dealing abilities, going first wouldn’t matter much.  If your pet goes first and kills the other pet, then the other pet does not get to go (unless it is raised as undead or mechanical).  So going first might save one turn of damage.  But it IS important because of abilities that incapacitate a pet (stun, turn into a frog, etc) or stops attacks (like +100% dodge).  If your pets  goes first and stuns the opposing pet, then they miss that turn and also the next.  So those types of abilities are TWICE AS USEFUL to a pet that goes first.    Important exception: Critters’ special ability means they only lose one turn ever.  Two abilities always go first even though that’s not in their description: Reflection and Dark Similacrum.  That is because they target the other pet’s abilities.  Sum

                In general, an attack will do 20 + attack power damage.  So a level  1 with 10 power does 30 dmg with a basic attack, before account for being strong or weak against the attack.  An attack that also increases speed or decreases other pet’s damage or whatever will do less damage.   Depending on the situation, these may be worth it or not.  Abilities that do more than normal damage and usually also have another ability will have a cooldown.  Use those first and as often as you can (usually).  For example a 25% chance to stun is better used ASAP instead of trying to get a boost to the damage from another ability.  The main exception would be if you are going second and think  your opponent is going to use an ability to stop your attack (flying into air for example).

2-turn attacks:
Some 2-turn attacks move the attacker to a special place (in air or underground) first, then do more than one turn of damage.  This is worth it if you can make you opponent miss once butf they are doing healing (or something else not attacking you) will do more damage with two individual attacks.  Some things (like mechanical Gnome’s Turret ability) will still hit you when in other locations.    It may just be observational bias, but it seems these type of 2-turn attacks miss more often than other attcks.
Some 2 turn attacks leave the attackers in place (ex Graze) then do more than 2 turns of damage.  These are vulnerable to interruption but otherwise very strong.
Some 2-turn attacks take 2 individual actions and do more than 2 turns of damage.  These are nice because they aren’t interrupt-able like the other leave  in place ones and can wait until later if opponent puts up a defense.

Healing can be useful but not always.  If an ability just heals and it is about the same as the damage being done to you, it is essentially useless.  If an ability heals significantly more than you are being damaged, then it is worth using.  Abilities that both damage and heal are usually good.  If an ability heals from the damage dealt , the healing will be decreased if the dmg is decreased (or increased if increased) so that requires watching.  The Spider ability Leech Life does NOT vary with the damage dealt as long as at least 1 point hits.

Multiple-Attack Attacks
                Variable attacks (ex 1-2 attcks plus 1 if go first, or whatever) usually do more damage than one attack abilities but are vulnerable to damage reduction abilities (like -30 dmage from every attack) or triggered damage (like 20 dmg every time creature attacks).  Anytime an ability does extra damage (ex double if Burning, +20 if goes first) that also is an extra attack.


  ~*~ Guild Meeting on 11/03/2012 ~*~  

    Without one, you put not only yourself, but the Guild at risk!!    

~~~~~ :::: Promotions :::: ~~~~~

Forsakened:  High Conclave

(: !!GRATS TO YOU!! :)

~~~~~ :::: Kudos :::: ~~~~~

~ Karaz: Organizational Awesomeness! ~
~ Wraylas: Problem Solving! ~
~ Onyxie: Pet Battle Guides! ~

   The main Raid Feast provider will be decided at a later date.   

~~~~~ :::: Expansion Info ~ :::: ~~~~~

Vendor Locations:
PVP = Serpent Spine: Near the Dead Wastes
PVE = Niusao Temple: In Townlong Steppes

Pet Battles:
Account Bound! It applies to ALL characters!
See Dinka, Tynee, and Onyxie for pets!

Any ideas? SHARE!!

~~~~~ :::: Reminders/Notices ~ :::: ~~~~~

Be Considerate!
~ If a Guildy in uncomfortable with your behavior... stop.

Be Clean!
~ Please try to keep the Guild Bank clean and in order!

Be Helpful!
~ Remember being level 1 and lost? Don't let other guildies EVER feel that way!

Guild Email Address!

~~~~~ :::: Upcoming Events ~ :::: ~~~~~ 

~ Random Old Dungeon Night: Every Tuesday @ 7:30pm ~

 ~ Amazing Race!: Wednesday November 7th @ 7:30pm ~

~ Guild Appreciation Day: All Day on November 17th! ~

~ We are going to continue doing weekly Guild Fun Activities ~
~*~ IF you have ideas, send them to DINKA IN GAME ~*~

~ We're eventually going to start Guild YouTube Vids ~

~ New Raids schedules TBA. We will run LFR as a guild first ~

If you have any questions or concerns, please let a member of the High Enclave or the Order of Prime know so we can help you!

Live Well; Play Hard

Friday, November 2, 2012

Upcoming Guild Events

Hello all my fellow swagster! I hope everyone is doing well, and that you all are enjoying the new panda land!
We have some up coming events i wanted to inform you all about and i hope you come and join in on the guild fun!

Saturday Nov 3rd: Guild Meeting 2pm Server all is welcomed!
Sunday 4th-Saturday 10th DarkMoon is back!
Tuesday Nov 6th: Old Dungeon Runs (lower guildies welcomed if the dungeon is in your level)
Wed Nov 7th: Amazing Race (fun for all, make a level one toon (strip naked, i mean honestly would it be a Platinum Sanctum event is someone wasn't naked?) and go from starting zone to ending point (named on that night)! WINNER GETS GOLD!
Saturday Nov 10th: Patty's Birthday!!! (be sure to wish her a happy Birthday)
Saturday Nov 17th: Guild Appreciation (Help farm for our guild)
Sunday 18th-Sunday 25th Pilgrims Bounty! (good time to level your cooking!!)
Sunday Nov 25th Cemetos (mikes) Birthday! (be sure to wish him a happy birthday!)

***Also towards the end of the month i will be sponsering a Scavenger Hunt, we will be splitting off into random groups (no u cant pick your partner, this will help with getting to know more people in our guild) this event hopefully will be more on the harder side! nice prize at the end! Date will be put up later this week!***

Also lets keep in mind that our guild is known for the support we offer to one another, lets make sure we are helping new guildies along with our old guildies!


Thanks for reading! <3 you all
