Friday, August 31, 2012

Shaman Showdown - Varycuddly's Take

Enhancement Shaman - Talents + Glyphs (Dungeons/Raids)

Written by Varythil - Enhancement Shaman - Winterhoof Server (Varycuddly alt)

I find myself exceptionally unimpressed with the talents when it comes to enhancement. Blizzard has turned the shaman back to where they started from, totems are the majority of what's going on with Shaman talents, whether it's a new totem or something to do with totems. That being said, there were a few bright spots in the choices and I look forward to level 90 where I've already got a new talent picked out.


Rotation: Lava Lash --> Flame Shock --> Unleash Elements --> Stormstrike --> Earth Shock --> Lightning bolt/Healing Surge (maelstrom weapon dependent) --> Repeat


Rotation: Lava Lash --> Flame Shock --> Unleash Elements --> Stormstrike --> Earth Shock --> Repeat (Add in Lightning bolt/Healing Surge whenever maelstrom weapon is ready, don't wait for it to fit into a specific part of the rotation. Use your judgement as to whether to use a free heal or free damage)


Main Hand: Windfury Weapon
Off Hand: Flametongue Weapon

Shield: Lightning Shield

15 --> Stone Bulwark Totem (totem absorbs damage)

WHY? All three choices have to do with survival, basically should your tank fail, die, or in PVP. It's a matter of what flavor you want to go with. With the removal of the buffing totems, the earth totem options are slim, consisting of Earthbind, Earth Elemental, and Tremor Totem. All three totems have cooldowns longer than their duration.

30 --> Windwalk Totem (grants immunity to movement-impairing effects to raid memebers w/in 40 yards for 6 seconds. 1 minute CD) Choice at level 45 makes this make more sense.

WHY? Well the other options were interesting as well but here it is. As an enhancement shaman, I don't use frostshock on a regular basis. It's mainly to keep the mob from running away or moving too fast. Frostshock has its place, don't get me wrong but didn't rate as worthy of a spot to me. The other option was Earthgrab Totem, which is frostshock on a totem with a little bit of steroids. It's again, a way to get the mob (or pvp player) to stand still and be pummeled.

45 --> Call of the Elements (Immediately finishes CD on all totems w/base CD of less than 3 minutes.

WHY? Isn't it obvious? It's a beautiful thing to be able to reset your totems, all of them, for every flavor. The other options also fell short as an enhancement shammy. Totemic Restoration reduced CD on totems if they were destroyed before it expired naturally up to a maximum of 50% of the full CD. That is pretty cool and it is passive but being able to reset them quickly is a bigger help in any situation. Totemic Projection... moves your active totems to the specified location. Since only two totems last longer than 30 seconds now... why move it? It'll be gone before it's moved.

60 --> Echo of the Elements (Chance to duplicate spell effect when one causes direct damage or healing)

WHY? Can we say beautiful PASSIVE proc for any shammy? The other options were 30% haste for 20 seconds or next nature spell w/base casting time less than 10 sec becomes instant cast w/ 1 minute CD. Haste, apparently, means very little to an enhancement shammy these days. And Enhancement shammies really aren't casting much of anything that isn't an instant cast anyway (all hail maelstrom weapon)

75 --> Ancestral Guidance (2 minute CD - when dealing direct damage or healing for the next 10 sec. 40% of that amount is copied as healing to up to 3 nearby injured party or raid members)

WHY? Well smack some stuff, it's a beautiful thing. This one wasn't too hard of a choice. The healing tide totem (an ode to the mana tide totem) costs 1600 mana, has a 3 minute CD and lasts for 10 seconds. Pulses every 1.89 sec healing the 5 most injured party or raid members w/in 40 yards for 6.418. It's pretty but we still have healing stream totem and enhancement is not the healing class. The other option depended heavily on healing spells being cast, again, not our job.

90 --> Unleashed Fury (Adds tasty bonuses to your weapon imbues that trigger with unleash weapon.)

WHY? Enhancement shammies hit things with weapons, it's our job to cause evil damage very quickly. The other options are pretty, don't get me wrong, and I haven't had a chance to use a single one of them yet. But Unleashed Fury will get my first choice and try out when I hit 90.


With the removal of prime glyphs and all the other changes, some of the choices will certainly be up to whatever fits into your personal play style.


This was a bit harder than picking minor glyphs but the truth is, as an enhancement shammy you can ignore any that are for healing or actual spell casting (your spec is not for either of those).

1. Feral Spirit --> Increases healing done by your feral spirits' spirit hunt by 40%.
2. Shamanistic Rage --> Shamanistic Rage also cleanses you of all dispellable harmful magic effects.

3. Spirit Walk or Totemic Recall --> Either is acceptable and could be useful depending on your play style. Since totems no longer give long term buffs, it's a lot less likely you'll have a lot of totems left on the ground after a fight in a dungeon/raid. Spirit Walk reduces the CD of spirit walk by 25%.

Again, glyphs are in your play style and still need to be messed/played with to find a great combo.


There are 8 available minor glyphs. I chose the following:
1. Lava Lash --> No longer spreads flame shock to nearby targets. Without this you could really mess up crowd control scenarios.

2. Totemic Encirclement --> Drops decoy totems when an actual totem of that type isn't out. Mostly useful for PVP but if mobs are going to attack totems, give them a chance to get the wrong one.

3. Lakestrider or Spectral Wolf --> Your call. One automatically casts water walking when in ghost wolf form when you run onto water. The other is just changing the appearance of your ghost wolf.

As an enhancement shaman, a lot of the minor ones just don't apply or aren't worth it.

Hunter Havoc - Dinka's Take

Survival Hunter Spec

Before Patch 5..0.4: around 28k DPS on dummy unbuffed

After Patch 5.0.4: Around 18k DPS on dummy unbuffed...WAIT WHAT?!

So it turns out that Hunters will NEED to rely on an additional stat for MoP. Namely, your Expertise rating will now have to be the same as your Hit Rating, which now will be about 7.5% for each. With my current gear and a slight gem change, I was able to get a 7.77% Hit and 4.58% Expertise rating. I could probably close it in with better gear however I think for now that may be as close as I can get. I ran a dungeon earlier and was able to top out at about 33k DPS on bosses, which falls in line with that I was doing before the patch. Rotation hasn't changed much, however I do now use A Storm of Crows and Dire Beast on Cooldown to have a nice burst of DPS when needed on bosses. I have yet to try this in a raid environment and will update accordingly. But from what I can see that the Hit and Expertise ratings will have to be taken into account. This is Blizzard bringing hunters in line with other ranged casters, instead of having to have a high hit rating, we'll have to maintain a two stats to stay competitive. This may change, However I would count on having to build around those stats.

Monday, August 27, 2012


This is what happens when you let me be in control of picture night:
We end up...


BUT.................................. CHILLIN' WITH THE KING!

Special thanks to:
Dinka, Ladee, Mac, Roganth, Wraylas, Deathkaraz, Discowoot, Forsakened, Apocalypse, Hadian, Jinx, Weaszette, Earll, Kitinea, Snowbie,and Varyshammy. for coming out for the picture! <3

If you have any suggestions or comments regarding the Guild, let an officer know!

Live Well; Play Hard!



DS Continuation from Wednesday of last week!



Those of you assigned the task of respec-ing and sharing, please remember to email that info to SEKAIA! Her email address is beside her name in VENT
The vent info is in the Info tab on WoW :)


Throne of Four Winds : RAID



If you have any suggestions, please let an officer know!

Live Well; Play Hard

Friday, August 24, 2012

5.0.4 Changes, Coming from Blizzard themselves!

With the upcoming changes for Mists of Pandaria, there will be a content patch that will implement new systems and class changes, below is a list strait from the horses mouth, I hope you will find them helpful.  Click to view!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mists of Pandaria opening Cinematic!

Today Blizzard released the opening cinematic for Mists of Pandaria.  I will say I really like this opening, it focuses more on the why of fighting than the who we are fighting, plus Chen Stormstout is made of pure unadulterated win!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Guild Meeting Wrap Up (08/04/2012)

(: WE HIT ~Level 25~ WOOHOO :)

~*~ Guild Meeting on 08/04/2012 ~*~

~~~~~ :::: ~ Officer Promotions ~ :::: ~~~~~
High Conclave
(Pending Authenticators)

~~~~~ :::: ~ KUDOS ~ :::: ~~~~~

-Kitinea: New member showing old loyalty! 
-Majik: Helping with raids!
-Forsakened & Marymary: Raiding!
Thank you!! 

~~~~~ :::: ~ Expansion Preparation ~ :::: ~~~~~

 Talent Testing
Teams for Questing/Helping learn Classes
  Learn how to use that toon with new classes 
Any ideas on this? SHARE!!

~~~~~ :::: ~ Reminders ~ :::: ~~~~~

1. Be Considerate! 
~If a Guildy in uncomfortable with your behavior... stop. 

2. Be Picky!
~We do not shun players from the guild, but inviting 'ringers' and players who are perk-hungry, can be risky!

3.  Be Helpful!
~Remember being level 1 and lost? Don't let other guildies EVER feel that way! 

 ~~~~~ :::: ~ Upcoming Events ~ :::: ~~~~~

~Wrath of the Litch King Raids will begin next week! 
(PvP Night is being removed until we complete these guild achievements.)

 ~We are going to start scheduling Firelands guild runs!

~We will continue doing dungeons/raids for mount drops!

~We are going to start doing weekly Guild Fun Activities that have NO game merit at all!
(Much like Suicide Night last week)
 ~*~ IF you have ideas, send them to Sekaia IN GAME ~*~

 If you have any questions or concerns, please let a member of the High Enclave or the Order of Prime know so we can help you!

Live Well; Play Hard
~Sekaia ~