Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Oni's Thoughts Vol. 1

Whats Up P.S. Raiders!

    Oni here, to share some thoughts with you all random and what not.

So yeah, I would like to drop some information about how to approach a raid and while within it how I think and use my thought processes.

1) Approaching a raid -
     - First spend a few ( 5-10) minutes pre-thinking the boss fights you are going to encounter.  consider past positioning and tactics and how you can go about using more efficient movements and angles to allow you to have greater time on target. remember movement drops most dps classes dps in most cases. So if you perform pre-planning, while I am talking endlessly at the start of a boss fight, you might be able to work out simplifying your movements and spending more time on target.

   - Second, take time to consider your current raid composition. Meaning, What classes are tanking and healing first off. not every tank will perform at the same level in every encounter and the same with the healers. For instance, currently we are flexi raiding with a Monk and Paladin tank. understand that the paladin has 1 primary raid cool down to save your ass, however the Monk will have 2, ( if glyphed). The primary difference being the monks will assist throughout the encounter with an absorption shield and the paladin will last a few moments every so often. Consider the full meaning of this when your planning you positioning.
        Consider your healing composition - Currently in flexi we have a Monk Healer ( Go Oni FTW!) and 1-2 Druids ( Tails and Jessie are both bosses). we all share 1 thing in common we are Hot Healers! So your health must be more closely monitored by YOU! use defensive cool downs when you feel worried. But we got ya so no worries :D.
       Finally consider the dps comp. How many melee/ranged? remember you need to give as much as you take. So position yourself in a manner the gives you both the best. " A Spartan soldier watches the man to his left, covering them with his shield from thigh to neck." lets face it they won a crap ton of encounters watching over one another. BTW that's how a Phalanx works!

2) So now lets consider the within fight.  Now your in it, WTF is going on. Remember, everything within a fight is pre-programmed to occur at specific time intervals. So don't stress it. make frequent references to you boss timers and feel the rhythm of the fight. There aren't any surprises. Deal with only what you need to at the times you need to an be ready for the next thing. Just a bit of practice and farming a boss becomes a simple thing.

Final thought.
  - I am often asked how I do what I do within a raid. The answer to that is simple and complicated. I really just go with what my hands do and don't fight my natural responses.  I developed this from years of play. I don't look at a Boss or trash or a croc on the river any different. they all have a mechanic and killing them efficiently is no different to me. If you want to do well for whatever reason you need to follow the Lombardi method - " Only perfect practice makes Perfect performance." - Vince Lombardi. This is applicable in all situations within everything in life and WoW.

   It is my profound hope that these thoughts help you in someway to increase your performance and help grant you the pleasure of hearing your friends and WoW community honor your play.

                                                                                         Thanks for reading-
                                                                                         Onikidaki, Raid Leader of Platinum Sanctum

Sunday, October 27, 2013

SoO Flex 1 (continued)

Sha of Pride

I find this to be one of the easier fights of this flex and it's also the last.  after clearing the room all dps and heals should be standing in the back of the room between the ax and the writing on the floor.  Stacking will help with the AoE damage from the fight (Swelling Pride) and because of "Gift of the Titans".  With Gift of the Titans your person will grow in size. Be stacked with the other people who as well got the gift.  Doing so will give you a buff called "Pride of the Titans" It increases haste. HEALERS with Pride of the Titans must dispel those with the debuff where you will not gain any pride doing so with the buff.  It is the only time healers should dispel that (Mark of Arrogance).


Pride is the purple bar on your screen that will slowly fills up by the moves of the boss. Some of the bosses moves will effect what goes on in the raid from how much pride you have. Bursting pride, Projection, Aura of Pride, and Overcome.  I suggest you read them in your dungeon journal.

There are 3 different parts where there shouldn't be stacking in flex.  (does change in normal) When he first uses Self-Reflection. Once you see the purple spots on the ground move, if not when they get there they will hurt. When they are up burn them down with AoE as fast as you can.  The second tank should be picking them up and trying to get them all stacked up near / on the boss.  The second part is Corrupted Prison, in flex the person in the prison will always be to the left of the way you're standing (tanks too). There should be 2 people running on the orange lights to the left and standing on them until the person is free.  Tanks should be as well too where the tanks will be having the Sha's back to the raid. Two people will get send in the prison at those spots.  The third time is when bursting pride comes out.  This does from having 25 - 49 pride when the Sha uses Swelling Pride.  So keep a eye on your DBM timer and when you see Swelling Pride is about to be cast and you have 25-49 pride, get read to run out of it as soon as Swelling Pride happens.

Last thing is the add that will spawn behind the raid.  It's a bigger and and can be gripped or druid can use their solar beam on it's location and it will run in.  It must be interrupted and burned down fast.  Can not be ignored.

To add to this, the prison likes to happen at the same time as Gift of the Titans so it can slow down that.  The prison also damages the player that's inside of it so it's a must to get them out asap.

There for, this is the last fight of SoO Flex one, good luck on the drops and enjoy your killing time! :D

SoO Flex 1 (continued)

SoO Flex 1 (continued)


Well in my view this fight is more about the adds. The adds are number 1 priority. Once you enter the room and go down the stairs, you'll see a catwalk type deal.  Right there is where All dps and heals will stack as long with the off tank.  The main tank will be on the other side facing the sha away from the raid.  It is best to stack because he does a raid wide damage that gets stronger the lower on health he gets (icy fear).  He will also do a move called "Blind Hatred" which is a big beam that will spin around the room.  It is random on what way it goes, so watch for it and don't get hit from it (run around boss not through it as the beam starts at the center of the boss).  At 85% health and dropping by the 10s he will spawn adds.  some small and some big.

Manifestation of Corruption (big add)

The tank that is not on the boss should be picking them up and bringing them near the raid group.  The raid group should then be burning this add down.  Tank must try not to face them to the raid group where the have a cone damage effect (burst of anger).  Once it dies the tank should pick up the purple orb it drops by simply standing on it.  If the tanks bar is already full someone, anyone, in the raid group should be doing so ASAP where it it does another raid wide damage at 90,000 damage per second.  Picking up the orb also gives 25 corruption (25% of your bar).

Essence of Corruption (small add)

Will be spawning around the room and they don't move unless they're gripped.  They drop fast and easy and is a must to take out ASAP too.  They shoot a ball that goes to the boss, if it hits him it makes him do more damage to the tanks and the tanks will drop fast.  I find it best to have a melee stand in front of it and burn it down.  When the ball hits the melee (or anyone) it will damage them.

The adds and the sha does share health so killing the adds is a must you will do more damage to them at the start then to the boss. This is only just the start of the fight though.  Where the heals and dps should be stacking to the left and to the right there will be 2 yellow orbs that spawns.  When you click the orb it will phase you out and will be in a little part on your own. This part is a must, sorry for those who doesn't like it.  Once inside there will be a few things to do. It differs on the role you are playing.


Simply just burn down the adds.  Start with the big one that slams the ground in front you you and avoid getting hit by the slam.  Once he is dead will be 3 smaller ones.  They will have a shield in front of them so all damage must be done to their backs.  They do stand still for a couple of seconds to give you the time you need.  By doing this it will bring down your bar and will up all dps you do to the boss.


There is 2 ways you can do yours. First simply live for 60 seconds.  To do so you have to interrupt.  There is one spell that will kill you one hit if you do not. Other than that Avoid all of the bads and where you are standing.  Second, you can just kill it. Killing the add will let you out of the room early. Doing so will bring down your bar and make it where you take less damage.


When you go in it's basically a healfest.  Heal up Sun, He, and Rook (the fallen protectors) and dispel you are needed.  Having DBM will help you a lot this fight. Doing so will take down your bar and make you do more healing. (Avoid standing in front of the add and don't stand in bads)

The people who enters the other realm first will be decided by the raid lead at the time.  It's normally your highest healer and dps first then tanks if they are struggling.  It mostly matters on how the raid is doing we may have to send in a tank first, It all matters on the team / raid.

Tanking it there will be a taunt switch.  The second tank will want to move in front right after he does the cast for the stack onto the tank and taunt the boss as the other tank should run around (never, ever, through the center where the beam can come out at any giving point) and start with the adds and orbs.  The second tank should of already phased out and lost his bar by then.

Keep repeating this and burn down adds then the boss and he will die.  Congrats when you do! :D

Saturday, October 26, 2013

SoO Flex (wing 1 continued)

The fallen Protectors-

This fight is split up with 3 different bosses. He Softfoot (called out as he), Sun Tenderheart (called out as sun), and Rook Stonetoe (called out as rook) below I will put it in the order they should go down.


Rook Stonetoe -

Rook stonetoe will have to be burned down to 66% first. Once he is at 66%  he will send out 3 adds. By the name of Embodied Sorrow, Embodied Misery, and Embodied Gloom.  Each add has their own ability.

Misery places a AoE down that should be avoided at all times

 Sorrow selects a random player in the raid and places a DoT on them that can take less damage if stacked on.  So stack on this player, to know if they have it on them there will be a orange'ish / red circle under this player.

Gloom does a AoE that can be interrupted and should be picked up by the off tank, and I feel that it is best to have melee (2 or 3) burn him down first while interrupting.

Ranged should burn down Sorrow first to reduce the raid damage and then quickly turn around and take out misery. Once gloom is dead, mdps should run to misery and help too but avoid the ground effects.

Rook also has a move called Corrupted Brew, it's pretty much a keg smash.  He will toss a keg that does 100k damage to all who are near it.  To avoid this you will see a light blue fog that is around the person it is being tossed out, move out of the fog and if you were in a stacking position move back after.

Tanks should always have Rook facing away from the group because of his fist attack that stuns. It is a cone effect.


He Softfoot-

He from what I know of so far, is pretty much a tank and spank. Only thing tanks have to watch for is he gouge. It selects a player and goes after them, taunt him ASAP to break that.  If you happen to get the gouge on you, just kite him. Once he is at 66% he will send out a add too.

Embodied Anguish he will toss a a debuff on you that will make him only attack you.  will select a random player at first. It's okay to take 1 your 2 stacks from him as dps or heals, but after that toss it on a tank ASAP. To do so you will get a special action key that should pop up near the middle, if you don't see it may be best to make a macro for it. To know this is on you, you will be rooted and will not be able to move. So tanks please try to stand near each other for this. But keep Rook facing AWAY from the raid.

/cast Mark of Anguish


Sun Tenderheart-

Pretty much another tank and spank. She will have 1 aoe that can be interrupted but just simply burn her down to 66%. Once at 66% she will form a bubble, stack inside of this. The tank with Rook should stand inside too but get rook in the bubble but facing away from the raid. Only person to stand in front of rook still should be the tank, so dps and heals watch your standing.  Once inside the bubble there will be a bunch of adds inside and out. Rdps get the adds outside mdps get the adds inside.  It is okay to AoE at this point but still will be faster to single target smashing them where they don't have much health.

After all of that is done you do the same thing once again in the same exact order. The fight will be the same and all of it will happen at 33% this time around. After that is done, burn them down and once all 3 of them are down stack them up and do some split damage (single and AoE) watch the health of them though, they all must drop around the same time, with in 15 seconds after the first one falls. ALL must die around the same time! (best time to use hero)


Disco's  Seige of Orgrimmar Tips
(Flex wing 1)


Well to start off with the room Immerseus is in, it's a circular room with water running between platforms.  It is best to spread out around Immerseus with the tanks on the opposite side of each other.  Where tanks, dps, and healers stand. Will be set up differently due to the amount of people you have in the raid.

Immerseus has 2 health bars / phases. The green bar on top is the health for the first phase. The purple bar is his main health which goes down from the second phase. Once that first bar is down he will split into many different puddles (slimes / oozes) and will get more into that later. Once all of the puddles go back to the center and he forms up again there will be a huge raid damage. Here will be a good idea to use self cool down and raid def. cool downs.

Phase 1
 There will be pools that will spawn under you every 5 - 10 seconds.  Do not stand in them.  There will also be some moving pools, a blue color. It is alright to get hit by them but try to avoid them.  Once the blue pools stop or hits a player they will change into a Seeping Sha pool. it will look like a sha colored pool that moves as well. If you get hit by that pool it will send you flying and does 100k damage. They can stack on each other and be close to each other where you can take a really high amount of damage. So those ones, you want to try to avoid the best you can!  (it's why a lot of  people randomly gets 1 shot)

Immerseus will also have a move called "Swirl" What that is pretty much is a big tidal wave that goes around the room once. There is no need to run around the room trying to avoid it. The best way to do this is face the wave and run straight into it when it's near you. DO NOT leave your platform to run into it lol :P  SURFS UP

Last thing he does is "Corrosive Blast". This is something the tanks mostly need to watch and worry about. The tanks will be switching off between them. It's a cone damage and which is best for tanks to be on opposite sides and to be on their own platform.

Phase 2
This is the main phase to worry about and happens really fast. Once you take down the green hp bar he will split. if you look up and turn around you will see where the puddles are about to hit.  It is best to run to those spots and be ready.  There will be 2 different color puddles, a light blue and a black.

These ones needs to be dps down ASAP and you must stack on them when they die. As they die they will give you a dps buff that stacks.  They can also be slowed, stunned, gripped.  Before they fall it would be best to set a frost trap to slow them, ring of frost, ect ect.. As a deathknight it's also really good to pull one back if you can, when seeing them about to get in the center.  They die really fast, so worry about dpsing them more then slowing / stunning them.

The blue puddles requires healing, need to get them up ASAP too. Just like the black ones, stack on them while healing or be close as you can (stand in front and let them run into you).   If you are a DPS with a heal, don't be scared to help the healers heal them up.  Mostly near the end, will be more blue than black.  As a side note, the blue puddles DO take damage when other puddles reaches the center and will lose health.  You do not want that to happen so just try to heal them up as fast as you can (full healed ones will take no damage).

It is alright to run around to get the other puddles, just be off the tanks platform and near the heals once they start to reach the boss.
After that is finished he will go back into phase 1 but but with less health.  His health goes down with as many puddles you got rid of and fully healed (max of 20% each split). His main health is the purple bar where mana / energy would normally be.  Repeat the phases 5, 6 times at most and he will be dead.

Melee DPS & Tanks

It's best to stand close to the boss but try to stay out of the water that the boss is in.  Try to have a melee on their own platform and move left to right or right to left around the boss.  If you fill up the front row move back a little and do again.  Avoid pools around you from other melee and from behind from range.  Once he splits all of the pools will move in and they still do damage.  So avoid the pools coming at you from the range! As a off note, it is safe to stand in the water between the platforms.  but really shouldn't do so because will be getting too close to another platform that may be a tanks.

Range DPS & Heals

It is best to stand in the back and move down as each pool spawns under you.  But be nice to your melee friends and give them room to move up if needed.  If start to get close move to the left or right and start to move back up.  Just like melee dps, when he splits, move away from all of the pools behind you because they do damage still!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Openraid event for charity!

Link to OpenRaid with information here!

This is a charity event that is being hosted by twitter personality ShaOfHappiness, it is for Ablegamers, below is the FAQ about the organization.

If you would like to participate in this, please feel free to sign up for OpenRaid with the toon you wish to play with.  If you cannot make it but would still like to help, please donate to the pot for this worthy cause at http://imraising.com/i-hearth-you/, I know my guildies will help out in any way they can, and hopefully I will be able to also participate in this as long as nothing earth shattering comes up.  Thank you guys for helping out I'm sure the organizers and AbleGamers will greatly appreciate the effort!


Friday, October 4, 2013

Feral Druid - Disco's Ways

Well I did sent this to Patty first to help her out with her druid because she was struggling with it.. Please remember this is how I play my druid, that I am not telling you this is how it should be or this is how it's best. To get a class at the best is how YOU set it up and get use to it. This is just a little guide on how I built mine and what I do.

A Feral druid dps is all about speed of your rotation. Need to be quick at what you're doing and by that is having a good rotation to where YOURSELF is most comfortable doing so. I personally don't use any macro's or add-ons for me feral druid where I like to push and challenge myself on Cowabunaa. I don't want to rely on any add on to help me out and not really how to understand and play the class myself. But here you go c:


Teir 1 -  Feline Swiftness

The reason why I picked this one is for the speed boost mostly on the fights when you have a lot of moving around and can move faster to get behind adds if needed. Yes,  Wild Charge is good for it but in fights where there may be a few adds around can use once then will have to wait on the cd. Waiting on the cd takes too long for me i just run to the other add and saves time in the long run. Plus it's also a passive ability so less clicking is always nice!

Tier 2 - Ysera's Gift
Yet again it's a passive so less clicking / work on your end and it is great on heals! on yourself and part / raid members. It's all around a great talent to have over the other two c:

Tier 3- Soul of the Forest
A lot of people say Incarnation is better but I tend to be different and disagree with what others say. It matters on the player and how you have it set up. For me I find it harder to get focus back and yet again another passive talent so helps me a lot with less clicking XD

Tier 4 - Mighty Bash

For this one it's really up to you. I pick mighty bash because it's also a stun and will stop any casting when they're stunned and gives me time to move behind them and hit them up a bunch with my Shred spell

Tier 5 - Heart of the Wild

this is the biggest change i took in my druid.. I did have it as Dream of Cenarius but i find that too much work and clicking to keep the heal for the buff and i was right! With Heart of the wild it gives you a buff that stays on you at all times and when you use pop out of cat form and use your Moon Fire spell and then spam Wrath on the target but keep the Moon Fire spell up. if 4 or more targets use your Hurricane spell for AoE damage. If you get low on health switch to bear form and use Thrash / swipe and will also keep you alive. Be sure to use Might of Ursoc to enter the form though! will get into that more on the rotation.


Glyph of Cat Form

Because of Ysera's Gift talent it will help you survive a lot! also will help healers keep you up too!

Glyph of Shed
Makes it where you don't have to be be behind a target to use while Tigers Fury or Berserk is active. Helps a lot mostly when on the fights you cant get behind your target will give a big dps boost.

Glyph of Savagery

Makes it where you don't need combo points to use and a BIG help on opening spells and your AoE (Keep savage roar up at all times)

Rotation as Humanoid
When out of cat form i tend to keep it as

1.) Rejuvenation (for a quick HoT)

2.) Cat Form (so i can just quickly hit 1 then 2 to hop back into cat form)

3.) Bear Form (to quickly switch into bear if taking heavy damage / have too many on you. Doing so with Heart of the Wild will also help you survive if you are taking heavy damage)

4.) Tranquility (for quick raid heals / party heals. If raid is taking heavy damage or party use Heart of the Wild talent first then castTranquility for a healing boost)

5.) Moonfire (for when Heart of the Wild is active cast and keep the DoT on the main target)

6.) Wrath (spam this while Heart of the Wild is still active and only stop to refresh your Moonfire DoT

7.) Hurricane (yet again only when Heart of the Wild is active and when there is 5+ targets, but yet try to keep Moonfire DoT on your main target if there is one.

8.)Healing Touch (as a heal for yourself or party member that really needs a heal is a long cast so do so only if needed and try to use with Heart of the Wild so it don't drain your mana.

The others will be all up to you I only have 1 - 8

Rotation as Cat Form

(Step 1)

Start off with Savage Roar for the buff (keep the buff on at all times) I have Savage Roar set as number on my rotation.

1.) Rake (keep the bleed effect on your target at all times)
2.) Shred (must be behind your target if cant be behind use number 3)
3.) Mangle (only use if you can not get behind your target)

After you do Shred or Mangle a couple of times and us under 40% focus this is when I use Tiger's Fury ( number on my action bar) to restore your focus and make your next to moves do more damage.

AFTER using Tiger's Fury use Shred (2) until you have 5 COMBO POINTS. When you have the 5 combo points use Rip (number 5 on my action bar)

4.) Savage Roar
5.) Rip (only with 5 combo points)

(Step 2)

After you apply your Rip DoT, Refresh your Rake (1)

Once your Rake DoT is on your target
7.) Thrash (yes, THRASH because as your Mastery doing more bleed damage per DoT will up your dps and all apply a debuff to your target where they don't hit as hard with melee attacks. IT ALSO GIVES YOUR RIP THAT EXTRA FEW SECONDS TO REFRESH BECAUSETHRASH DOES NOT GIVE A COMBO POINT. This is where a lot of druid mess up not letting their DoT do their ticks and they lose a lot of damage.

After you apply Rake and Thrash DoT / Debuff
Spam your Shred if you're behind your target if not Mangle until you get 5 combo points (should only be 2 or 3 hits). Once you have 5 Combo points use Savage Roar (5) to gets it full buff and timer.

By time you do that your Tiger's Fury should be ready. Use Tiger's Fury and Berserk (number 0 for me) Berserk second time around because you have the full effects of your Savage Roar for the extra dps boost (also try to do this when a bloodlust / hero / time warp is used for the most dps out of if) 

Once you use Tiger's Fury and Berserk refresh your Rake (1) and Thrash (7) DoT's Then spam Shred (this is where glyph of shred comes in handy because can use it while standing anywhere close enough to your target). Once you get your 5 Combo points refresh your Rip (5)

After you refresh your Rip continue to spam Shred until Berserk is over with. Once Berserk is done, Refresh your Rake (1). By time that is done you should yet have another 5 Combo points. Refresh your Savage Roar (4) and the start of that Savage Roar  IS THE START OF STEP 1. Follow step one and work your way down to step 2 again only thing different will be Berserk will only be ready every other Steps. 

At 25% HEALTH AND UNDER replace all RIP (5) with FEROCIOUS BITE (number 6 for me) to refresh RIP (5). Yet again, only use with 5 combo points.


Keep Savage Roar up at all times use your Thrash and spam Swipe (number 8 for me) can also heart of the wild and hurricane.

Recap on rotation

1.) Rake
2.) Shred
3.) Mangle
4.) Savage Roar
5.) Rip
6.) Ferocious Bite
7.) Thrash
8.) Swipe
9.) Tiger's Fury
0.) Berserk
-.) Healing touch (only use when Omen of Clarity proc's and can cast while in cat form and only when i need healing, if not this will slow you down. you get the clarity after spending 5 Combo Points.
=.) Skull Bash (interrupt)


1.) Faerie Fire (for debuff) no need if someone else is casting in raid group. Warriors have a debuff just like it.
2.) Survival Instincts (when taking heavy damage) def cd
3.) Bark skin (help with damage that's being taking) def cd 
4.) Symbiosis (use on a class your choice i tend to use on pally healers or shammies for their benefit)
5.) Heart of the Wild
6.) Might of Ursoc (when taking heavy damage but remember you will get a lot of agro so only use on a lot of targets, try not to pull bosses)
7.) Dash and Roar (speed boost)
8.) Rebirth (battle rez)
9.) Bash

any other spells / pots you feel is needed.. Remember you have to set it up where you're most comfortable.

Bear Rotation

Well only time you will really be going into bear is when you're taking a lot of damage or if tank dies and trying to save the group. ALWAYS BATTLE REZ TANK BEFORE DOING THAT. ALWAYS ENTER BEAR FORM BY MIGHT OF URSOC if you're taking a lot of damage.

1.) Thrash (for quick DoT and pick up)
2.) Swipe (only if have more than one target, but if in bear form on feral i am assuming you would)
3.) Mangle
4.) Bash
5.) Skull Bash
6.) Lacerate