Monday, January 23, 2012

Best Wishes & Get Better Soon

Some of you know and some of you don't. Our fearless leader is currently recovering from surgery. I am posting this in hopes that for each of you who are currently part of our blogging network, that we can send our best wishes and our hopes & prayers for a speedy recovery to Wayne (Dinka) and let him know how much he will be missed as he does recover.

Our prayers are with you my friend. God Bless,

Lisa (Tynee)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another Planking

Ladeehunter planking on the fountain in Stormwind's Dwarvin District! AWESOME!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

We spendin' most our lives, livin in a hunters paradise!

Talk about lucky!!!  Ladeehunter was doing Molten Front dailies in Hyjal, and the Spirit Owl spawned!! She got help taming it from Wahkan from the guild Nerfed!  Then, kid you not, 15 minutes later, I was on my character Dinka and Terropene spawned!! So two of us got some very nice exotic pets in less than 15 minutes!  I've never seen rare spawns come that close together!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

First Rule of Warcraft Fight Club....

Never talk about Warcraft Fight Club!!

Hunters! are you pet crazy?

Are you looking for a special pet? Or are looking for just the right pet for you to use in raids and dungeons? Check out and find out what color, where, and if it is a tameable pet. You might even find a pet you didn't even know was out there!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Contributors wanted!

In guild chat I've had many people ask me "Can we do this?" and I say sure, in fact, you can help by submitting it yourself!  It's very simple, if you want to contribute, all you need is a g-mail account.  Once you have that, you can either post it in the comments below and I'll send you an invite to add you as a contributor, or if you wish to keep it private, send me an email directly and I'll do the same.  Many of you are very creative and I would love to get your idea's up here if at all possible.  Can't wait to see the awesome and crazy ideas you guys come up with!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Female Worgen from Cataclysm Alpha, they had hairstyles!!!

Leave it to me to find something obscure, but who says we don't like that eh?  We were chatting on vent about how worgen females were changed from the Alpha of Cataclysm to what we got now.  I think the alpha model looks alot better than the one we got in the final version.  Hopefully Blizzard will look at this again in Mists of Pandaria.

Platinum Planking!!

What this means to me...

Well, I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to make a post like this for awhile.  Some of you know that I've recounted my times as a forum and website administrator and how I'd have to make some long-winded postings concerning issues of the day during that time.  I promise not to make a habit of doing so, however I feel it must be said.

In the short time Platinum Sanctum has been a reality, we have grown quicker than I could have ever expected.  Going from level 1 to level 5 in less than a month is no small feat, and it's thanks to the dedication and hard work of members like yourselves that have helped us succeed.  Considering what at least two of our members had to go through to get to this point, I am extremely proud to not only count them as great players, but very quickly as very good friends.

Most of you know that today one of our members got hacked.  While the situation was taken care of very quickly by Blizzard customer support, I would still recommend that everyone that does not have an authenticator to get one as soon as possible, it not only protects the guild, it protects your account from getting hacked.  All in all I felt it was a violation of a good friend of mines personal information.  That upset me, I do not like seeing my friends vulnerable like that.

The thing of it is, that's not the only thing that happened today.  I will not name any names, because I refuse to feed into the ego of someone who is not worth my time or breath.  I will say however that I do not take lightly to people harassing my friends because they have some  sense of entitlement or that they think they have something to prove and show how awesomely great they are in their own mind.  I take issue with that, and I definitely take issue with anyone belittling the accomplishments that this guild has done in its very short lifespan.

My character's name is Dinka, it is the Guild Master of Platinum Sanctum, if you have a problem with this guild, you can damn well take it up with me.  I was asked to take up the mantle because these people trusted me, because I cared enough when others were more than willing to toss them by the wayside.  I stand by my principles and by my friends.  I call a spade a spade.  When I think someone is being bullied or picked on, I speak up.  I was there when these people that I have so quickly become great friends with were pushed to the side for little, and very plainly, no reason in one regard.  I felt it was an injustice.  I didn't say a word, going against my nature a bit, and quietly walked away.

Now if individuals want to continue this, know that you will only hurt yourself in the long run.  It is not my fault that you have known nothing but failure in your short life, but I'll be damned if you will put that sentiment on my friends or anywhere near our guild.  Other guilds may have the progress, or the perks, or the item levels, but Platinum Sanctum has something they don't, Heart.  I'll take that over 100 level 25 guilds any day of the week.

That's my first, last, and only words on the matter.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Funny Stuff!

While grouping with Narnian today I was reminded of this vid, Enjoy!!


Looking to make yourself fashionable? Want to make your character smexy? check out this cool site for sets that you can transmog...

Need to spec, gem, glyph or just understand your toon?

Ok, I have been playing World of Warcraft for nearly 4 years and I still don't have a clue how to spec, gem, reforge and glyph many of my toons. But so many of the sites out there like which is an excellent site for many people, is written for the player who can understand the complicated language of MMO's. I am not one of those people. I need a "WoW for Dummies" website. Recently, my husband, bless his heart, turned me on to one of those types of sites. If you also need this, please feel free to look at It is an amazingly simple to use site for anyone who does not understand the complicated verbiage of MMO players