Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
From all of us!!

Huggles From Deathkaraz and the rest of Platinum Sanctum's Guild! 


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Patch 5.2 Currency Update: You Can Keep Your Valor!

It turns out someone at blizzard decided that its pointless to down-convert Valor points, due to them being hard-capped at 3,000.  details below.

After reading your feedback and locking ourselves in dim, fluorescent-lit rooms for much deliberation, we have decided that we are NOT going to convert Valor to Justice and Justice to gold when 5.2 ships. Current Valor items will continue to require Valor in 5.2, and will be offered at a discount as listed in the PTR patch notes. Given that PvE and PvP currencies function quite a bit differently, Conquest will still convert to Honor and Honor to gold as previously discussed.
We’re making the Valor change for a couple of reasons, but primarily because we think a down-conversion under the new Mists endgame progression model just feels mean. We traditionally viewed this conversion process with each patch as a necessary evil to discourage hoarding—it’s not fun to feel like you can’t spend your Valor in the weeks before a new patch because you have to be ready to buy everything up. However, we have a Valor cap now to prevent excessive hoarding, many of the Valor rewards in 5.2 require raiding to acquire (for example, many of the ilevel-522 rewards are tied to Shado-Pan Assault reputation, which you’ll only gain rep with by raiding in the Throne of Thunder), and the LFR version has an ilvl-480 requirement, meaning you can’t hoard Valor on a brand new 90 and jump straight to the best stuff. All of these factors being considered, it doesn’t make good sense to take Valor away from players in this context. Down-conversions may occur for future patch releases depending on the circumstances, but for 5.2 it’s safe and snuggly where it is.
In addition, we’re making a change to ensure that there are some gear rewards available via the Kirin Tor Offensive and Sunreaver Onslaught, the two new factions with which players can earn reputation in 5.2 without raiding. The patch was shaping up to be a real challenge for players who don’t like raiding (including LFR), as our original design meant that no new Valor rewards would be available to them without needing to run Throne of Thunder. You can expect to see the Valor rewards on the Kirin Tor Offensive and Sunreaver Onslaught quartermasters updated on the 5.2 public test realms in the near future. These rewards are ilevel 496 and will only accommodate a few slots, as they aren’t intended to be very attractive to raiders (including those running LFR), but should give non-raiders something to shoot for in 5.2.
If you’ve already made plans and sank your Valor, don’t fret! As of this announcement, and even if you have 0 Valor currently, you still have enough time to cap out at 3000 Valor before patch 5.2 goes live. (It’s math!)
We’d love to hear your feedback about this change, and how you’re planning to earn, save, and spend Valor before the patch releases
Source: Official Forums


Monday, February 11, 2013

Addons and you: Streamlined, revised, and how-to!

  Here we are once again, time to update our addon page.  This year, thanks to Wray, we will also supply you with a how-to for installing these addons.  Very easy to follow video's and then our basic recommendations.  This post will be updated with more addons so be sure to check back frequently!

Our first Video explains how to install addon's manually.

Our second shows how to use the curse client to install addons.

GTFO is an addon that essentially gives you an audible sound if you are standing in bad stuff.  It is extremely helpful and I give it my highest possible recommendation.  It works well for those with PC's that are not graphically intensive, even still I still recommend it even if you happen to have a blazing fast PC. it's that helpful.

Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) is an add-on that lets you know when an attack by a boss is coming.  very helpful as it gives you a countdown and audible warning of the incoming attack.  it will even tell you when to run away!  you can't get any better than that.

Skada is a damage/healing meter.  You may have heard of Recount, well Skada is the basic same thing, except that it uses less memory. 

Healium or even Vuhdo (For advanced usage)  These are healing addons, for healers.   they show your healing spells for what is needed at the time.  highly recommended for anyone that wants to heal.  Now some people will suggest Healbot so I'll put it up here, however it seems Healium and Vuhdo are better suited for healing, but use whatever is comfortable to you.

 Carbonite is used to back up your PC files to a server for later...wait wrong Carbonite!!!  This Carbonite is a map and quest tracking addon.   The map feature will go from your standard map to a more google maps type terrain map.

Bartender  is a bar changer on your UI that lets you move and place bars wherever you please.  I use it to stack my 3 main bars on top of each other instead of next to each other, makes it easier to get to abilities for me.

Wray's Edit:

This is Wray's little edit of some of the addons I recommend.

Mapster is a nice world map replacement. Makes is easier to look at the world map while still traveling. 

TomTom adds some coordinates in game plus an arrow when you die to help you find your corpse easier.

Lightheaded is a great questing  addon. It adds a popout tabe to your quest log that will display comments from wowhead. so it's wowhead in your game... And if you have tomtom (posted above) you can simply click on any coords listed in the comments and they will be added to your map and a arrow should show up.

QuestHelperLite is a good questing addon. It's not as good as the original QuestHelper but it's still good. This will add a nice arrow in-game that will point you in the right direction to quest objectives.

Bitten's SpellFlash is a great way to boost your DPS if you aren't quite sure if your rotation is correct. You'll need to also download each one of the plugins for the class you play. What it does is it will flash the action bar button that you should be using next, it uses info from some of the top theroy crafting sites to maximize the rotation for the highest possible dps.

Tie Breaker Poll... Pick one day

Tie Breaker poll, pick one. free polls 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

When are you able to raid? Pick 2

When are you available to raid? Pick 2. free polls 

How to move Raid Boss Alternative Bar aka petrified / Hatred bar

5.2 Currency Conversions

5.2 Currency Conversions
Patch 5.2 introduces a new raid tier and PvP season, and so the higher tier currencies will be down-converted during maintenance. This time around there won’t be a soft cap, old Valor items aren’t changing to cost Justice, and we’re adding a new rank of PvP gear. Let’s break down exactly how it’s all going to harmoniously work together.

Valor -> Justice
All Valor is converted to Justice
Justice -> Gold
Justice above the 4000 cap is converted to gold at a rate of 47 silver per point
So let’s say the realms go down for the 5.2 patch and you have 450 Valor and 3800 Justice. Because of the 4000 Justice cap, you’d log back in after the patch is released with 0 Valor, 4000 Justice, and be 117 gold and 50 silver richer after the conversion.

With 5.2 we won’t be changing current Valor items to cost Justice, but they will be much cheaper (discounts from 50-75% off their current costs). You’ll need to acquire Valor after the patch is released to buy pieces for their discounted rate, or to buy the new 5.2 Valor items, but we’re also introducing new items to spend your Justice on, including heirlooms and Pet Battle stones.

While Charms won’t be converted, Lesser Charms of Good Fortune will no longer be used to purchase Elder Charms in patch 5.2. Instead Lesser Charms will purchase Mogu Runes of Fate. They’ll be purchasable in the same way; once a week, 90 Lesser Charms can be converted to 3 Mogu Runes of Fate via a quest in your faction’s Shrine. Mogu Runes of Fate will be usable for bonus rolls on 5.2 raid and world bosses only. Elder Charms will continue to be used for bonus rolls on 5.0 raids and world bosses, and will now be acquired as item drops by killing enemies in the new 5.2 Thundering Isle outdoor zone.

Conquest -> Honor
All Conquest is converted to Honor
Honor -> Gold
Honor above the 4000 cap is converted to gold at a rate of 35 silver per point
For example, if I log out before the 5.2 maintenance period with 450 Conquest and 3800 Honor, my excess of 250 Honor would be converted, and so when I log in after 5.2 is released I would have 0 Conquest, 4000 Honor, and be 87 gold and 50 silver richer.

In 5.2 we’re introducing an entirely new tier of PvP gear that will be purchasable with Honor to help smooth out the gearing progression for new and returning players, alts, etc. so they can catch up and be a bit more successful coming in mid-season or even mid-expansion. You can read more about all the changes being made surrounding that in the PvP Gear blog we posted a few weeks back.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Guild Meeting 2/2/2013

Guild Meeting Notes:

Hola Guildies, its that time again for our monthly guild meeting notes!!

Our wonderful Guild Master Dinka (wayne) brought up some great points,

*All Guildies (Officers to Newbies)

*Make sure you have a good attitude, we all have bad days lets try to keep all snarky-ness and drama out of the guild.* 

**Take responsibility without hesitation!!

**Guildies are always willing to help you achieve your goals, but you need to help yourself also!!

**Always Remember we all can improve on EVERYTHING you do!!

**Also remember we always try to put up new information , rules, events ETC on Guild Blog (THIS), Facebook, Twitter, Guild Mesg of the Day, Calender,***

Upcoming Guild Events For Feb (please note this is not all of them, because some havent been added on the calendar yet)

**Brawlers Night** Every Monday 8pm Server (someones gonna get Bruce!) *Need Brawlers Invite to join in the fight, but all is welcomed to come and Support your guildies*
**Raid Nights** as of right now, (could change due to needs and wants and necessity) Tuesdays and Wednesday 8pm Server (open to thoughts and ideas for Raid)
**Guild Race** Feb 14th 8pm (Awesome Prizes that were donated from our guildies!) Level one toons start at one point and travel to another point, with no flight paths rules will be explained night of! LOTS OF FUN!!! GUILD PHOTOS!! LOTS OF DEATH!!**
**Guild Appreciation** Every Second Saturday of the month we all get together as a guild to farm ores/bars/herbs/enchants/gems/fish/feast for the guild!

Holidays And WoW Events:
*Dark-moon Faire: Feb 3rd - Feb 10th
*Lunar Festival: Now - Feb 10th
*Love is in the Air: Feb 11th - Feb 24th

*GUILD BIRTHDAYS: Wray: Feb 13th 

Congrats to the Guild for completing Glory of the Cata Raid!! The Dark Phoenix Mount is now available at the Guild Vender!

Guild Promotion:
Gang-ho: Battle-masters
Jaloppy: Templar
Guildy of the Month: Ventriz

Grats to you ALL! :)  

 Any thoughts, concerns, etc please bring up to Dinka, or one of the officers!

*Huggles Deathkaraz*