Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Since there really isn't anything new, just see last week's post and ensure you follow da rulez...

For the Tuesday news this week, we shall watch Youtube videos instead :D




Enjoy :D

Sekaia : PS / Miggito : PP
Live Well; Play Hard

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday News!! 5-1-12

:Recent & Upcoming Events:
!!!!!Best of All : WE HIT LEVEL 18!!!!  

You guys put so much work into raids, dungeons, and dailies that we would be dead in the water without you. Thank you EVERYONE for all your hard work and dedication!
~!~YOU ROCK~!~

+We're on the Beta! Check previous update for info.+
ALL GUILD MEETING ON Saturday, May 5th @ 2pm!!

We convene on ventrilo (vent info in guild tab) at 2pm server time the first Saturday of the month.
The first 20 minutes will be for the guild to discuss the following: 

The second half of the meeting is for the officers to take your concerns and suggestions and try to implement them best way possible!

We (officers/founders) CANNOT run this guild without the success of the ALL of us! 

If one fails, we ALL fail as a team!
We want you involved in the guild!
You pay for this game and you should get the absolute MOST you possibly can out of it!
The Guild Bank
If you don't know where something should be deposited or there isn't room, please send it to Sekaia. She will either sell it for gold to be deposited into the bank, or send it to her storage guild for guild use later.
*Any officer wanting a toon in that storage guild, please message Farora in-game*

Gearing up
Whether you want to be HoT, Heroic, or Raid Finder ready, we are here to help you achieve that goal! Please let an officer know (High Enclave/Order of Prime) what you need or where you need to get it so we can help you! We want YOU to feel amazing and BE amazing!
:Guild Schedule:

This will be re-worked this coming week and announced at the guild meeting Saturday!