Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Warlords of Draenor Discussion links

Hello Everyone!

I thought that I would supply some links to information on the new expansion "Warlords of Draenor".

Oni directed me to these discussions by Mike Preach - Thanks Oni!!

Here is a link to game changes currently being discussed by Blizz:


I found it refreshing that some of the obsolete spells and abilities will be removed.  Clean out that spell book. Shackle undead hasn't been used in years!!

Here is a link to a discussion concerning attunement to 5 man heroics:


Here we have the reassurance that the proving grounds have been recalibrated so that you can actually accomplish your attunement!  You also won't have to carry people that don't try to learn their characters or upgrade their gear!

Should make for interesting discussion and game play!  I can't wait it to hit the PTR!

See you in game!!
