A Feral druid dps is all about speed of your rotation. Need to be quick at what you're doing and by that is having a good rotation to where YOURSELF is most comfortable doing so. I personally don't use any macro's or add-ons for me feral druid where I like to push and challenge myself on Cowabunaa. I don't want to rely on any add on to help me out and not really how to understand and play the class myself. But here you go c:
Teir 1 - Feline Swiftness
The reason why I picked this one is for the speed boost mostly on the fights when you have a lot of moving around and can move faster to get behind adds if needed. Yes, Wild Charge is good for it but in fights where there may be a few adds around can use once then will have to wait on the cd. Waiting on the cd takes too long for me i just run to the other add and saves time in the long run. Plus it's also a passive ability so less clicking is always nice!
Tier 2 - Ysera's Gift
The reason why I picked this one is for the speed boost mostly on the fights when you have a lot of moving around and can move faster to get behind adds if needed. Yes, Wild Charge is good for it but in fights where there may be a few adds around can use once then will have to wait on the cd. Waiting on the cd takes too long for me i just run to the other add and saves time in the long run. Plus it's also a passive ability so less clicking is always nice!
Tier 2 - Ysera's Gift
Yet again it's a passive so less clicking / work on your end and it is great on heals! on yourself and part / raid members. It's all around a great talent to have over the other two c:
Tier 3- Soul of the Forest
A lot of people say Incarnation is better but I tend to be different and disagree with what others say. It matters on the player and how you have it set up. For me I find it harder to get focus back and yet again another passive talent so helps me a lot with less clicking XD
Tier 4 - Mighty Bash
For this one it's really up to you. I pick mighty bash because it's also a stun and will stop any casting when they're stunned and gives me time to move behind them and hit them up a bunch with my Shred spell
Tier 5 - Heart of the Wild
this is the biggest change i took in my druid.. I did have it as Dream of Cenarius but i find that too much work and clicking to keep the heal for the buff and i was right! With Heart of the wild it gives you a buff that stays on you at all times and when you use pop out of cat form and use your Moon Fire spell and then spam Wrath on the target but keep the Moon Fire spell up. if 4 or more targets use your Hurricane spell for AoE damage. If you get low on health switch to bear form and use Thrash / swipe and will also keep you alive. Be sure to use Might of Ursoc to enter the form though! will get into that more on the rotation.
For this one it's really up to you. I pick mighty bash because it's also a stun and will stop any casting when they're stunned and gives me time to move behind them and hit them up a bunch with my Shred spell
Tier 5 - Heart of the Wild
this is the biggest change i took in my druid.. I did have it as Dream of Cenarius but i find that too much work and clicking to keep the heal for the buff and i was right! With Heart of the wild it gives you a buff that stays on you at all times and when you use pop out of cat form and use your Moon Fire spell and then spam Wrath on the target but keep the Moon Fire spell up. if 4 or more targets use your Hurricane spell for AoE damage. If you get low on health switch to bear form and use Thrash / swipe and will also keep you alive. Be sure to use Might of Ursoc to enter the form though! will get into that more on the rotation.
Glyph of Cat Form
Because of Ysera's Gift talent it will help you survive a lot! also will help healers keep you up too!
Glyph of Shed
Makes it where you don't have to be be behind a target to use while Tigers Fury or Berserk is active. Helps a lot mostly when on the fights you cant get behind your target will give a big dps boost.
Glyph of Savagery
Makes it where you don't have to be be behind a target to use while Tigers Fury or Berserk is active. Helps a lot mostly when on the fights you cant get behind your target will give a big dps boost.
Glyph of Savagery
Makes it where you don't need combo points to use and a BIG help on opening spells and your AoE (Keep savage roar up at all times)
Rotation as Humanoid
When out of cat form i tend to keep it as
Rotation as Humanoid
When out of cat form i tend to keep it as
1.) Rejuvenation (for a quick HoT)
2.) Cat Form (so i can just quickly hit 1 then 2 to hop back into cat form)
3.) Bear Form (to quickly switch into bear if taking heavy damage / have too many on you. Doing so with Heart of the Wild will also help you survive if you are taking heavy damage)
4.) Tranquility (for quick raid heals / party heals. If raid is taking heavy damage or party use Heart of the Wild talent first then castTranquility for a healing boost)
5.) Moonfire (for when Heart of the Wild is active cast and keep the DoT on the main target)
6.) Wrath (spam this while Heart of the Wild is still active and only stop to refresh your Moonfire DoT
7.) Hurricane (yet again only when Heart of the Wild is active and when there is 5+ targets, but yet try to keep Moonfire DoT on your main target if there is one.
8.)Healing Touch (as a heal for yourself or party member that really needs a heal is a long cast so do so only if needed and try to use with Heart of the Wild so it don't drain your mana.
The others will be all up to you I only have 1 - 8
Rotation as Cat Form
Rotation as Cat Form
(Step 1)
Start off with Savage Roar for the buff (keep the buff on at all times) I have Savage Roar set as number 4 on my rotation.
1.) Rake (keep the bleed effect on your target at all times)
2.) Shred (must be behind your target if cant be behind use number 3)
3.) Mangle (only use if you can not get behind your target)
After you do Shred or Mangle a couple of times and us under 40% focus this is when I use Tiger's Fury ( number 9 on my action bar) to restore your focus and make your next to moves do more damage.
AFTER using Tiger's Fury use Shred (2) until you have 5 COMBO POINTS. When you have the 5 combo points use Rip (number 5 on my action bar)
AFTER using Tiger's Fury use Shred (2) until you have 5 COMBO POINTS. When you have the 5 combo points use Rip (number 5 on my action bar)
4.) Savage Roar
5.) Rip (only with 5 combo points)
(Step 2)
After you apply your Rip DoT, Refresh your Rake (1)
Once your Rake DoT is on your target
7.) Thrash (yes, THRASH because as your Mastery doing more bleed damage per DoT will up your dps and all apply a debuff to your target where they don't hit as hard with melee attacks. IT ALSO GIVES YOUR RIP THAT EXTRA FEW SECONDS TO REFRESH BECAUSETHRASH DOES NOT GIVE A COMBO POINT. This is where a lot of druid mess up not letting their DoT do their ticks and they lose a lot of damage.
After you apply Rake and Thrash DoT / Debuff
Spam your Shred if you're behind your target if not Mangle until you get 5 combo points (should only be 2 or 3 hits). Once you have 5 Combo points use Savage Roar (5) to gets it full buff and timer.
By time you do that your Tiger's Fury should be ready. Use Tiger's Fury and Berserk (number 0 for me) Berserk second time around because you have the full effects of your Savage Roar for the extra dps boost (also try to do this when a bloodlust / hero / time warp is used for the most dps out of if)
Once you use Tiger's Fury and Berserk refresh your Rake (1) and Thrash (7) DoT's Then spam Shred (this is where glyph of shred comes in handy because can use it while standing anywhere close enough to your target). Once you get your 5 Combo points refresh your Rip (5)
After you refresh your Rip continue to spam Shred until Berserk is over with. Once Berserk is done, Refresh your Rake (1). By time that is done you should yet have another 5 Combo points. Refresh your Savage Roar (4) and the start of that Savage Roar IS THE START OF STEP 1. Follow step one and work your way down to step 2 again only thing different will be Berserk will only be ready every other Steps.
At 25% HEALTH AND UNDER replace all RIP (5) with FEROCIOUS BITE (number 6 for me) to refresh RIP (5). Yet again, only use with 5 combo points.
Keep Savage Roar up at all times use your Thrash and spam Swipe (number 8 for me) can also heart of the wild and hurricane.
Recap on rotation
1.) Rake
2.) Shred
3.) Mangle
4.) Savage Roar
5.) Rip
6.) Ferocious Bite
7.) Thrash
8.) Swipe
9.) Tiger's Fury
0.) Berserk
-.) Healing touch (only use when Omen of Clarity proc's and can cast while in cat form and only when i need healing, if not this will slow you down. you get the clarity after spending 5 Combo Points.
=.) Skull Bash (interrupt)
1.) Faerie Fire (for debuff) no need if someone else is casting in raid group. Warriors have a debuff just like it.
2.) Survival Instincts (when taking heavy damage) def cd
3.) Bark skin (help with damage that's being taking) def cd
4.) Symbiosis (use on a class your choice i tend to use on pally healers or shammies for their benefit)
5.) Heart of the Wild
6.) Might of Ursoc (when taking heavy damage but remember you will get a lot of agro so only use on a lot of targets, try not to pull bosses)
7.) Dash and Roar (speed boost)
8.) Rebirth (battle rez)
9.) Bash
any other spells / pots you feel is needed.. Remember you have to set it up where you're most comfortable.
Bear Rotation
Well only time you will really be going into bear is when you're taking a lot of damage or if tank dies and trying to save the group. ALWAYS BATTLE REZ TANK BEFORE DOING THAT. ALWAYS ENTER BEAR FORM BY MIGHT OF URSOC if you're taking a lot of damage.
1.) Thrash (for quick DoT and pick up)
2.) Swipe (only if have more than one target, but if in bear form on feral i am assuming you would)
3.) Mangle
4.) Bash
5.) Skull Bash
6.) Lacerate
Oops, forgot to add a ending to that :P But yeah that's it and that's all I do for my druid. Remember it's mostly on what you do and how you set it up. SPEED is everything for a druid.