Saturday, November 3, 2012


  ~*~ Guild Meeting on 11/03/2012 ~*~  

    Without one, you put not only yourself, but the Guild at risk!!    

~~~~~ :::: Promotions :::: ~~~~~

Forsakened:  High Conclave

(: !!GRATS TO YOU!! :)

~~~~~ :::: Kudos :::: ~~~~~

~ Karaz: Organizational Awesomeness! ~
~ Wraylas: Problem Solving! ~
~ Onyxie: Pet Battle Guides! ~

   The main Raid Feast provider will be decided at a later date.   

~~~~~ :::: Expansion Info ~ :::: ~~~~~

Vendor Locations:
PVP = Serpent Spine: Near the Dead Wastes
PVE = Niusao Temple: In Townlong Steppes

Pet Battles:
Account Bound! It applies to ALL characters!
See Dinka, Tynee, and Onyxie for pets!

Any ideas? SHARE!!

~~~~~ :::: Reminders/Notices ~ :::: ~~~~~

Be Considerate!
~ If a Guildy in uncomfortable with your behavior... stop.

Be Clean!
~ Please try to keep the Guild Bank clean and in order!

Be Helpful!
~ Remember being level 1 and lost? Don't let other guildies EVER feel that way!

Guild Email Address!

~~~~~ :::: Upcoming Events ~ :::: ~~~~~ 

~ Random Old Dungeon Night: Every Tuesday @ 7:30pm ~

 ~ Amazing Race!: Wednesday November 7th @ 7:30pm ~

~ Guild Appreciation Day: All Day on November 17th! ~

~ We are going to continue doing weekly Guild Fun Activities ~
~*~ IF you have ideas, send them to DINKA IN GAME ~*~

~ We're eventually going to start Guild YouTube Vids ~

~ New Raids schedules TBA. We will run LFR as a guild first ~

If you have any questions or concerns, please let a member of the High Enclave or the Order of Prime know so we can help you!

Live Well; Play Hard


  1. I liked the Where's waldo/dinka. Where he hides and someone finds him...might be fun to do in elywnn forest.

    I looked up another idea:

    one thing i heard of that sounds fun is this competition this one guild i know does. first they un-equip everything they have put it in their bank for safe keeping then they are told a set of dungeons they have to do. (in order)
    RFC/Wailing caverns/stockades/maradon (pretty much most dungeons in order of lvl)
    they then split into groups of 3 tank/healer/dps
    each player tosses in some money to participate (first place gets all the gold)
    then they have to do each dungeon, using only the gear they get off of each run.
    first group do down all bosses in order wins

    or We used to do something similar in Vanilla at lvl 60. We would just have instance races, where we grouped everyone up in equal groups of 5 and picked a random five man. First group to finish won whatever the prize happened to be. It led to a lot of fun especially with everyone on vent and talking crap in GC

  2. Well, as an officer, I've helped out with our guild events. The latest we did was to kill the whale shark, it was great fun. Also, pre cata, we jumped down from the elevator leading to 1k needles, and we had a target you were supposed to hit. We have also had some random singing in dalaran, (during wotlk). Or just fun runs in old dungeons and stuff. We have raided alliance towns and had lotteries, (well, you roll from 1 to 100 and the one who gets the highest wins). We also had Gurubashi Arena PvP andrunning from mulgore to X roads on lvl 1. And random item finding. (I say an item. The one who gets back with it first wins.)

    There is tons of fun things you can do if your just a little creative

  3. WoW Trivia bot is always fun in guildchat too

    Trivia for gold, mix a trivia bot with a mail addon to send gold to the winners.

    My all time favorite of "Murder Mystery Raid Night!" (it's always the healers fault fyi)
