Friday, November 2, 2012

Upcoming Guild Events

Hello all my fellow swagster! I hope everyone is doing well, and that you all are enjoying the new panda land!
We have some up coming events i wanted to inform you all about and i hope you come and join in on the guild fun!

Saturday Nov 3rd: Guild Meeting 2pm Server all is welcomed!
Sunday 4th-Saturday 10th DarkMoon is back!
Tuesday Nov 6th: Old Dungeon Runs (lower guildies welcomed if the dungeon is in your level)
Wed Nov 7th: Amazing Race (fun for all, make a level one toon (strip naked, i mean honestly would it be a Platinum Sanctum event is someone wasn't naked?) and go from starting zone to ending point (named on that night)! WINNER GETS GOLD!
Saturday Nov 10th: Patty's Birthday!!! (be sure to wish her a happy Birthday)
Saturday Nov 17th: Guild Appreciation (Help farm for our guild)
Sunday 18th-Sunday 25th Pilgrims Bounty! (good time to level your cooking!!)
Sunday Nov 25th Cemetos (mikes) Birthday! (be sure to wish him a happy birthday!)

***Also towards the end of the month i will be sponsering a Scavenger Hunt, we will be splitting off into random groups (no u cant pick your partner, this will help with getting to know more people in our guild) this event hopefully will be more on the harder side! nice prize at the end! Date will be put up later this week!***

Also lets keep in mind that our guild is known for the support we offer to one another, lets make sure we are helping new guildies along with our old guildies!


Thanks for reading! <3 you all


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