Monday, November 5, 2012

The Adventures of Pakku: Pakku Discovers Basic Campfire

This is the beginning of a series on Pakku, new member of the Alliance fresh from the Wondering Isle.  As a Pandaren, he's never seen the the world of Azeroth like this before.  He will now tell us of his adventures, in his own words.

Hello Friends!! I am Pakku, a Brewmaster from the Wondering Isles.  I was impressed by the adventurous and grandeur of this Alliance and hopped on the first Hot Air Balloon to Stormwind!  When I arrived, I was greeted by King Wrynn. He explained many things to me, about how some of my people had also joined the Horde, and that I may have to face them in battle for the glory of the Alliance.  I am unsure of this, as our people, while we have differences, have always come together when in crisis, I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get to it.

Upon leaving the King (And knocking him on his Butt!)  I ventured out into the city, and noticed many people were recruiting for members to join their guild.  I talked privately with a few folks, and listened to what they had to say, and I must say I wasn't all that impressed, until I ran into a nice human girl named Dinka!  She was very nice and supportive, and was also very understanding and helpful.  I decided to join her guild, and am now a proud member of Platinum Sanctum!!  After meeting with all the officers of the guild, I was told that the best way to acclimate with the city life of Stormwind was to do some errands for some of the vendors in the city.  As I was talking to a vendor, he asked me to cook some fish, and told me I could use a campfire.  I was so excited to help, I took off to the nearest lake and began to fish!  

It was this moment that I found out the magic and amazement of the this new land!!

In my haste to cook my fish, I started my fire in the water!  But the most amazing part was, it stayed lit while in the water!!!

Such an amazing land!! I cannot wait to continue my exploration!!!

Stay tuned to this site to experience the further adventures of Pakku as he travels throughout Azeroth...and Beyond!

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