Saturday, January 26, 2013

New, Revised Raid participation guidelines

Since it became an issue this week, and after wracking my brain for a few days I have, hopefully, come up with a new, improved, raid participation guideline.  The old way wasn't exactly fair for those that sign up early and always try to participate, so this will hopefully alleviate those matters.

  • Raid sign-ups will be posted every Thursday for the next week.
  • Sign ups may be subject to a cut-off time, to be determined
  •  The first 2 Tanks, 3 Healers, and 5 DPS to sign up for the raid will have priority and be invited to the raid first.
  • the "first 10" to sign up will be expected to show up 15 minutes before the raid and ready to begin.  
  • If anyone is late, even by 1 minute of the INVITE time, meaning we start inviting 15 minutes before the pull and someone show up 14 minutes before the pul,. their spot will go to the next available sign up.  if they are an abundance of, lets say, DPS sign up, the remainder of DPS will roll for the remaining spot.
  • We will be making our first pull at 9 pm server time, I ask all officers participating to help with getting appropriate flasks and banquets out of the guild bank prior to 9 pm, so we can make the first pull on time.
  • Once again, you are committing to 3 hours of raid time per night, if it seems like we are banging our heads against a wall too long we will decide if we should call it early, the decision will be made by the raid leader and a consensus of those raiding.  Signing up means you are obliging to this commitment, any deviation from this may result in not being invited to raid for awhile.
  • If any of the first 10 wish to give up their spot for the week so someone else may go, the next earliest sign up will go, if that person is late, the Roll for a spot rule will apply.
  • IF someone has to leave for health or family reasons, another sign up may take their spot according to availability. if their are more than 1 available, the roll rule will apply.
  • These rules go into effect immediately, The weekly sign up will begin January 31st for the Febuary 5-6 raiding period, and every week there-after.
  • All previous guidelines are still in effect, and these will be amended into the static raid guidelines.
I believe this system sides more on the area of fairness than the previous way, it rewards punctuality and those that sign up early and make an effort to be on time.  I ask that you be mindful of the times if you sign up.  Signing up for a dungeon or LFR 20 minutes before raid time is probably not the wisest idea if you wish to be on time and ready.  When I say ready, I mean invites go out, we summon, you get a flask and its time to roll.   I just want things to be a bit more efficient, and its common courtesy to adhere to the guidelines if you commit to an activity.  

Because interest in raiding has been on the uptick, we will push to try and get that weekend alt-raid up and running as soon as possible, so more people may participate if they so desire.  These will be reviewed tonight before being accepted, changes may come if you see this before the officers meeting.


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