Hotfixes December 3rd 2012:
- Mistweaver
- The absorption effect of Life Cocoon has been increased by 100%. We hope to have this change applied within the next 24 hours.
- Brewmaster
- The Power Guard effect now properly increases Guard’s absorption by 15%, up from 5%.
- The Power Guard effect now properly increases Guard’s absorption by 15%, up from 5%.
- Protection
- Damage dealt by Holy Wrath now scales properly with Attack Power and Spell Power.
- Demonology
- The damage and Demonic Fury cost of Chaos Wave have been reduced by 33%. The new values will not be reflected in the tooltip until a client patch.
Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios
- Normal and Heroic raid encounters in Mogu’shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, and Terrace of Endless Spring now award 40 Valor, up from 25. This will take effect after the weekly reset.
Mogu’shan Vaults
The Spirit Kings now activate in a fixed order.
Pet Battle Fixes Incoming:
Bonus! Transmog standards relaxed possibly in 5.2
Also Something fun I saw about possible updates coming for us Farmers:
There are some changes we’re hoping to implement in Patch 5.2 regarding Sunsong Ranch. Things we’re considering are ways to lure birds away, creating a resting zone, and perhaps a way to have your friends around (NPCs you’ve gained rep with) giving you tasks to do to gain nice perks. Nothing is guaranteed but those are just some of possibilities currently on the table.
Most of this was ganked from MMO-Champion, so be sure to check them out!
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