ConvertToRaid recently did an interview with Ion Hazzikostas (Lead Encounter Designer) . As usual MMO-Champion has provided us with a nice overview to
- Looking back at the daily quests, anything that rewards player power feels mandatory to raiders, but this has to be balanced with giving purely cosmetic rewards. There has to be enough of a reward to encourage players to do some quests, but not so much that it feels mandatory for everyone.
- The Patch 5.1 daily quests took in to account the Golden Lotus daily quests that rewarded you with more daily quests and kept the number being added this time more reasonable.
- Blizzard wants to keep delivering content and storyline progression through daily quests, because it gives you a better understanding and connection to the faction you are assisting. Tabards ended up with the player running dungeons for rep and never learning anything about the faction whose tabard they had on.
- Valor Points being necessary for raiders due to item upgrades feels better than daily quests because of all of the different sources for earning Valor Points versus only being able to do daily quests for reputation.
- Brawler's Guild is working out well, with the limited invites keeping queues reasonable.
- Showing the number of LFR bosses that are dead was making it very slow to fill groups.
- The addition of LFR has allowed Blizzard to target Normal difficulty more towards organized guilds that play together regularly and use voice chat. Previously, Normal difficulty was used by both organized guilds and PuGs, which made it somewhat easier than intended.
- Staggering the release of the raids worked out well.
- Heroic Sha of Fear was a worthy end boss in terms of the amount of time it took to defeat. It is almost impossible to make encounters that the best guilds won't be able to beat in a matter of days when they are spending so much time raiding. Only 28 guilds have killed Heroic Sha of Fear so far.
- Larger patches in the past needed everything to be complete before shipping, which sometimes caused delays. With separate patches for raids and the other content, we are able to see more frequent patches.
- Patch 5.2 is coming Soon™ and will include a large and more traditional raid tier. It has been a while since we had a raid zone that was as large as Ulduar or Icecrown Citadel. Blizzard will talking about what will be in it and how many bosses soon!
Bug Fixes
- Pet Battle Abilities that use a shoot or missile animation will now properly display their visual effect.
- Disabling Loss of Control in the Interface menu will now also disable the red cooldown swipes on the action bar in addition to the notification in the center of the screen. Loss of Control Alerts can be disabled in the Game Menu by going to Interface > Combat > and un-checking Loss of Control Alerts.
- When Loss of Control Alerts are enabled, the red cooldown swipes will not be displayed for abilities that were already on cooldown and in situations where that cooldown will last longer than the loss of control.
- Night will now fall at the proper time on all realms.
- Objective icons in Scenarios will no longer incorrectly persist until the Scenario is complete.
- Fixed an issue that could cause crashes during Pet Battles.
- Mac
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash to occur during in-game cinematics in OSX v.10.6
Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
- Critical Mass now multiplies the critical strike chance of Fireball, Frostfire Bolt, Pyroblast, and Scorch by 1.3 (was 1.25).
- Inferno Blast now spreads Ignite, Pyroblast, and Combustion to 3 surrounding targets.
Quests - The Mechanized Fire should now be easier to reach in the course of completing "Dream of a Better Tomorrow".
- Players that have completed "Better With Age" and "Crime and Punishment" can now properly acquire the quest "By the Sea, Nevermore" from Zer'ik in the Dread Wastes.
- Players on the quest "Sentry Wards" will no longer be placed in the incorrect phase.
- The quest "Enemies At Our Door" can no longer be shared.
Pet Battles
- The Battle Pet ability Stone Rush now has a 1 round cooldown (was 0).
- The Cinder Kitten is now has increased health. It looks like that armor helps a little after all.
- Several Battle Pets now appear during times of day more appropriate to their ecology.
- Singing Crickets are now considered Rare pets. This change does not apply to pets that have already been acquired.
- Silithid Hatchlings should now be less elusive.
Brawler's Guild
- Fixed an issue that could cause Zen'shar's Eyes of Warding to persist after he despawns.
- Alchemy
- Players that have deleted their Zen Alchemist Stone can now obtain the Strange Spherical Stone to repeat the quest "Strange Spherical Stone" to earn a new one.
- Jewelcrafting
- Newly created Sapphire Cubs will now always be of Uncommon quality.
- The following PvP trinkets now have less powerful on-use effects and reduced cooldowns:
- Dreadful Gladiator's Badge of Conquest
- Dreadful Gladiator's Badge of Dominance
- Dreadful Gladiator's Badge of Victory
- Malevolent Gladiator's Badge of Conquest
- Malevolent Gladiator's Badge of Dominance
- Malevolent Gladiator's Badge of Victory
- The following PvP trinkets now have a less powerful on-use effect, but the duration of that effect has been increased:
- Various Hozen rare spawn creatures are now less likely to evade and despawn.
- Clawlord Kril'mandar will now be visible to players that have completed the quests "Domination Point" or "Lion's Landing".
- Huntress Vael'yrie in the Krasarang Wilds now properly offers Stable Master services.
Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios
- Normal and Heroic mode raid bosses now grant 40 Valor Points each upon being defeated.
- Terrace of Endless Spring
- Tsulong
- Elemental Shaman will now always be properly eligible for loot after defeating the Raid Finder version of this encounter.
- Tsulong
- Mogu'shan Vaults
- The floor of Elegon's chamber should now always reappear after he is defeated.
Bug Fixes
- Classes
Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
- Pets
- The Sporebat's Energizing Spores ability will no longer stack with other similar sources of spell haste.
- Pets
Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
- It is no longer possible to dispel or Spell Steal Xuen's Crackling Jade Lightning.
Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
- Fixed an issue that could cause Rapture to stop activating normally if it was triggered while the Priest was subject to crowd control.
Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
- Fixed an issue that allowed several spells and abilities to continue to be available while Hexed.
Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
- Damage from Rain of Fire will no longer prevent enemy players from capturing flag objectives.
- Havoc will no longer duplicate attacks directed against targets that are affected by Banish or Cyclone. These attacks will not consume any charge of the spell.
- Fixed an issue that could cause in-game cut-scenes to be skipped when sound is disabled.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players below level 85 to see and loot certain Treasures of Pandaria.
- Fixed an issue that could allow the Healing Ward provided by Vol'jin during the Dagger in the Dark Scenario to function outside of the instance.
The following changes are currently on the table for 5.2:
- Life Cocoon will be undispellable and won’t interrupt the cast at the end of the effect (and players will also be able to jump as well).
- We’re working to resolve the issues with Renewing Mist not being able to be used while mounted, though it will dismount the caster after it is cast.
- Soothing Mist will no longer be able to be Purged, so it will work in a manner similar to the Priest's Penance. It will still be considered a periodic Heal.
CC in PvP CC in general is totally out of control, too much instant !@#$ going on
We would very much like to make it so that more crowd controls start going back to having a cast time. We feel that instant cast spells should be something that's rare to see and we admit that they have become far too common. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
LFR Boss Counter Removal Feedback "oh no someone decided they didn't want to chaperone the mouth-breathing astounding idiots, we better penalise them for valuing their own time." Your logic, and apparently Blizzard's too.
One of the reasons why the counter was removed was to reduce the amount of players fishing for a fresh instance. It was something that was becoming an issue for all the players that were stuck in on-going groups waiting for new players to join.
When those groups were waiting at, say 2/3, the queue would start looking for new replacements, those replacements would see the queue and decided to skip it in favor of a fresh instance, creating and endless loop for the guys inside the instance where more people would leave as they grew impatient, making it harder to complete the run.
As it is right now, if you enter an on-going run, you're pretty much guaranteed a fresh instance on your next visit. In addition, the developers are considering adding a buff that players in LFR might receive if they wipe on a boss that would boost their stats, which they also hope it might help those impatient players that will leave their current LFR run after a wipe. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Future Challenge Modes Will you guys ever consider adding more CMs, perhaps old dungeons like Ragefire Chasm/Wailing Caverns?
Actually, the developers would like to add Challenge Modes to existing dungeons from previous expansions. No timelines or anything, though, but it's definitely something they're considering. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Bonus Roll Feedback
While I understand that getting an item that you already have can be somewhat frustrating, this is actually nothing new, since the very beginning of WoW that players have been killing bosses and getting completely randomized loot.
The Elder Charms of Good Fortune are supposed to be an extra chance at getting loot, if anything, having this option the way it currently is, might be already too loot “friendly” in my opinion.
This option was added because we understand that sometimes players can be after a specific item (remember those Dragonspine Trophy hunting days…), this way they get to decide which bosses are the most important for their characters and have a higher chance of grabbing a specific item that they’re so anxious to get their hands on. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Character RE: Player Model Upgrade difficulty; Greg, can you elaborate for laymen what makes the project "huge"? Implies more than skin.
Look at the Pandaren as an example. New textures need new models which need new animations. (Source)
I would say overall "too little to do" has not been feedback we have heard often for MoP. For Cataclysm, yes. (Source)
Can a new 90 alt catch up gear-wise this arena season with conquest being usable for item upgrades? MoP seems alt-unfriendly.
We agree we need more alt solutions. MoP was designed to be compelling without alts. That means if you have alts, there's too much (Source)
Hey can we get an option to mail guild invites to alts?
Would love to see that (with some kind of guildmaster control). (Source)
Yes that may be true but did you guys ever stop to think and listen to people saying gating isn't fun.
Yes. The opposite of gating tends to be epic grinding followed by nothing to do. We try to strike a balance. (Source)
"There was no alternative to the head enchant. There are plenty of alternatives to valor gear." what are they?
Killing raid bosses for one. (Source)
UI / Addons The new item tooltips are a mess. Whoever though this looked or conveyed information better was wrong. Please revert.
We like it. Can you elaborate? (Source)
The addon that let us paint the world? That could've been fun, but you engineered the game to stop that.
it wasn't to nerf fun. It took all the individual responsibility out of raiding. (Source)
Talent/Glyph + D.Journal taint bug is starting to drive me nuts. Reload UI 2-3 times to use stuff Bliz pushed as key features?
Taint bugs are almost certainly caused by mods trying to access stuff they shouldn't. (Source)
Hey will WoW's taint detection be worked on? I am pretty fed up of my addons being blamed for things they don't even look at.
If the addon goes after a protected feature, it gets the taint. It's pretty cut and dried as far as I know. (Source) 75% of my raid has to /reloadui to change glyphs/talents. Taint spreads like defile! Very difficult to debug.
I am sympathetic, but we can't debug all of the addons players develop. There are great sites out there that attempt to do so. (Source)
Why are UX /UI changes slow in WoW vs. system changes?
Depends on the change, but UI often involves code changes while many class changes can be done through data (by designers). (Source)
Can we have a UI feature to show how much of an enemy absorb we have left to break through? Absorb Absorb Absorb isn't helpful
Yes that's definitely on our wish list. (Source)
Also of mention, the game, expansions, and pets are on sale until January 1st, excluding the Cinder Kitten:
Looking for great stocking stuffers for your friends or
guildmates? Blizzard’s got you covered. For a limited time only, you can
snag the following holiday deals in the online Blizzard Store:
Also Do not Forget that this Thursday 12/13/12 we are having our first Christmas Party! Be sure to be festive and if you signed up for Secret Santa, send me your gifts so I can divvy them out! Random gift giving is not only allowed, but encouraged! :D
- World of Warcraft Battle Chest for $5 -- 75% Savings
- Cataclysm for $10 -- 66% Savings
- Mists of Pandaria for $30 -- 25% Savings
- Select World of Warcraft pets for $5 -- 50% Savings (Offer includes all Blizzard Pet Store pets except the new Cinder Kitten charity pet...but you should probably adopt a Cinder Kitten anyway since 100% of the purchasing price goes to a great cause).
Also Do not Forget that this Thursday 12/13/12 we are having our first Christmas Party! Be sure to be festive and if you signed up for Secret Santa, send me your gifts so I can divvy them out! Random gift giving is not only allowed, but encouraged! :D
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