Thursday, July 4, 2013

Guild Bank Stuff

     I am going to eliminate alot of the stuff in the bank this weekend.  It is getting full, most I will sell at the AH the stuff that don't sell or isn't worth it, I will sell to vendors.  There is alot of stuff in there that nobody will ever use.   If there is something you want to snag please do so by this weekend.

      Dinka said it was okay to clean it out so I did some housekeeping last week, however there is just way to much crap in there.  If there is something you need that might benefit you later please feel free to get that stuff too.

    Still seeing alot of stuff deposited in the wrong places, This might be due to the lower ranking people only having limited access to the bank.  Otherwise PLEASE try to put the deposits in the right spots, this makes locating the items people need much easier and it saves on space.


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